Even with the best hygiene tartar and stains will build on your teeth threatening the brightness of your smile. In today’s blog, your Virgina Beach, VA, dentist talks about our professional dental cleanings and how they keep your mouth healthy and attractive.
Prevent Gum Disease
Gum disease threatens most people at some point in their lifetime. By staying on top of professional cleanings you can prevent this inflammatory condition from damaging your mouth. Even with the best brushing and flossing, tartar and plaque stick in the spaces between your teeth and under your gums. Once tartar has attached itself to your teeth at home brushing cannot remove it and professional tools are required. At your hygiene appointment, the hygienist will use gentle ultrasonic devices and special hand tools to skillfully remove harmful build-up and bacteria.
Say Goodbye to Bad Breath
Bad breath is often caused by bacteria that produce foul-smelling sulfur compounds. The bacteria trap themselves under the gum tissues and in other hard-to-reach areas of the mouth. If tartar is present, they will live within the rock-like material that is stuck to your tooth. Bad breath is often alleviated once the hygienist removes the tartar from your teeth and disrupts the bacteria from under your gums.
Remove Stains and Whiten
Many stains are caused by chromogenic bacteria. They can leave orange, yellow, green, or even black stains on your teeth. By maintaining regular check-ups and cleanings we can prevent and remove these stains while recommending techniques and products to keep them from returning. Drinks with dark pigments such as coffee also stain the teeth. It can be such a slow process that you don’t even realize how discolored your teeth have become. During your cleaning, your hygienist will gently polish your teeth to restore their brightness. If you desire even whiter teeth, we can professionally whiten them in-office.
Schedule a Visit with Our Team
We want to help keep your smile bright and healthy. Call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule a visit soon!