How Do We Secure Dentures?

virginia beach dentures

As we age, the risk of substantial tooth loss increases and could complicate multiple facets of our daily life. But our team can take on severe tooth loss with a set of dentures, either full or partial. In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist talks about how we treat advanced tooth loss with our custom dentures.

When to Seek a Prosthetic

A dental prosthetic helps address tooth loss too severe for an individual dental implant, or a dental bridge, which itself addresses between one and three missing teeth in a row. When we suggest a denture, you are typically missing most of your teeth, or possibly all of them. As we will discuss further one, you may also benefit from a partial when you have natural teeth but the gaps in your smile are spread out across your arch. Don’t let advanced tooth loss lead to limited meal options, difficulty speaking, or embarrassment with showing off your smile. You could also lose mass and density in your jaw, which leads to an older appearance. We can help with a set of prosthetics!

Creating Full or Partial Dentures

To get started, our team will first take a close look at your smile from multiple angles. We will examine the smile with digital x-rays so we can assess the cause and extent of your tooth loss, as well as the strength of your jawbone. We may need to extract the last few teeth as well. The dentures are created based on the images and measurements we take of your smile. A full will contain a complete set of teeth in an acrylic base that looks like gum tissues. The partial, which addresses multiple gaps in cases where a full isn’t yet necessary, contains new teeth that fit in the gaps and blends with the remaining natural teeth.

Securing Your New Smile

They could be removed, which means suction, adhesives, or clasps to keep them in place. They also need to be replaced every 5 to 10 years as the jawbone loses mass and density and the shape of the jaw ridge changes. But we could also use dental implants to support them, as these strengthen the jaw and prevent the loss of mass and density, so your new teeth can last for decades to come, potentially even a lifetime.

If you have any questions about dentures, or whether removable or implant-secured is right for you, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you enjoy a complete smile in 2024, so talk to our team today.

Talk to Our Team About Our Custom Prosthetics

To learn more about our approach to placing custom-made prosthetics, give us a call at Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule an appointment.