How We Place Your Lifelike Dental Implants

virginia beach dental implantsWhen we suffer from tooth loss, this can lead to issues with your bite function, facial structure, and even your ability to eat and speak. But our team can offer a replacement option to prevent these issues. In fact, dental implants look and function like natural teeth. In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist talks about placing dental implants.

When You Need New Teeth

Dental implants are recommended for missing teeth. We can offer options that address missing teeth, or we can support a bridge or even a full set of dentures. Unlike traditional tooth replacement options, these don’t rely on suction, adhesives, or clasps to stay in place. Instead, we insert the dental implant posts into the jaw, where the body accepts it as a natural tooth root, which prevents the gradual breakdown that follows tooth loss. As a result, you maintain your facial structure and jaw strength, and your new teeth can last for decades to come with proper care and attention. When you lose one or more of your natural teeth, reach out right away.

Preparing Your Smile

Our team will start by taking detailed digital x-rays and images of your smile. We want to assess the strength of your jawbone to ensure it can support new roots, and we want to also choose the optimal position, angle, and depth to insert the posts, ensuring the longevity and function of your new tooth or teeth. When the time comes for placement, we will numb the area and also offer sedation to help you enter a state of calm and relaxation, so you feel comfortable and have little to no memory of the placement process.

Completing Your New Tooth or Dentures

Once your post or posts are inserted into the jaw, we will wait for the area to heal and attach abutments to the posts, which allows us to connect a crown for an individual one, or a bridge or denture if you have more substantial tooth loss. In some cases, such as All-On-Four, we can complete your implant dentures in the same visit as your implant placement, so you leave with a full smile. If you have any questions about how we plan and complete dental implant placement to help you enjoy a full smile again, then contact our team today. Remember, whether you have one missing tooth or all of them, we can help ensure a new smile that looks and functions like a natural one.

Do You Have Questions About Implant Dentistry?

You can call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule an appointment now, so our team can start treatment to address tooth loss with implant dentistry. Don’t live with tooth loss, enjoy your favorite foods again and smile with confidence with dental implants.