How Veneers Offer Your Dream Smile

virginia beach veneersIf you have issues with the appearance of your smile, don’t spend your days hiding your smile. Instead, obtain the results you have always dreamed about by talking to our team about porcelain veneers. In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist talks about how veneers offer the chance to instantly transform your smile.

The Cosmetic Capability of Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers are placed onto the front of the teeth, instantly changing the front and sides of them. For this reason, they can offer instant improvement for your smile, correcting an array of esthetic concerns at once. Each one is made from porcine, a strong material that can withstand daily bite forces and pressures, and can also be shaded to blend with the rest of your smile seamlessly. When in place, we can mask permanent discoloration, the type that could resist teeth whitening. Placement could also mask spaces and black triangle gaps between the teeth. Our team can lengthen worn down teeth, repair minor chips and cracks, and even correct misshapen teeth. If you have minor misalignment, then we can correct the appearance of your smile so you have a more even-looking smile. We could offer a smile makeover in only two visits.

Creating Your Custom Restorations

How do we create them? Each one we place has been custom-made for your smile. Our team will start by numbing the teeth being treated with a local anesthetic. We then gently remove a thin layer of outer enamel from them. Our team will take detailed digital images and impressions of the teeth from multiple angles, and use them in a lab setting to design and craft your veneers from porcelain. Their custom nature means a comfortable fit, balanced bite, and of course, a lifelike appearance that matches the rest of your smile.

Placing Your Restorations

When we complete your new restorations, you will return for a second visit so we can place them. We will first check the fit and if necessary, make some final adjustments to them. The restorations will be connected to the teeth with a powerful bonding agent. Once in place, routine care can keep them bright and protect the teeth we have connected them to from the impact of tooth decay, infection, or gum disease, so your new smile can last for years to come. If you have any questions about how we treat your smile with our custom and lifelike porcelain veneers, then contact our team today to learn more. Let’s make your smile stand- out this summer!

Do You Have Questions About Cosmetic Dental Restorations?

You can call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule an appointment now, so we can help you obtain the smile you have always dreamed about!