Whiten Your Smile For The Summer

whiten your smile virginia beach vacationAs we head into the peak of the summer season, it is a great time for photos on the beach or by the pool. But if you find that you are hiding your smile, choosing to shy away from showing your teeth in the pictures you and your friends take, it just might be time to talk to a trusted dental team about your options to whiten your smile with cosmetic dentistry. With our team, you can lift the shade of your enamel either at home or right here in the office, giving you a choice between two fabulous methods of teeth whitening treatment.

When you want to see a brighter smile each time that you look in the mirror, take the time to meet with Dr. Folck. Your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist can help you to erase those stubborn enamel stains in a safe and effective way, starting with a cleaning and examination. Overbleaching can cause dentin sensitivity, so we take care in determining the cause of discoloration; this also helps us to find an appropriate teeth whitening solution for your smile. To find out more about in-office cosmetic dentistry or at-home teeth whitening kits from a professional, call our front desk today and schedule your next appointment!

An Examination Can Help You To Learn More About Your Smile

There are certain conditions that can appear like enamel stains but are actually something else. For example, plaque and tartar buildup can be yellowish, leading people to think that they have stained teeth, when they really need a dental cleaning. If you start your cosmetic journey with an over-the-counter teeth whitening product, you could wind up bleaching your teeth without seeing any noticeable results. Your plaque and tartar buildup will remain, however, so your mouth is still at risk of periodontal disease and tooth decay. By starting your process with a cleaning and examination, you can better know the cause of your discoloration and how to address it.

Which Teeth Whitening Treatment Is Right For You?

At our office, we give our patients the choice in their care. For some, a simple and convenient at-home teeth whitening kit is the route to go, providing a solution that can be used alongside a nightly dental hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing. Others prefer a speedier treatment option, and we are there for them as well, with single-appointment teeth whitening in the office. Ask your dentist about the advantages of each so you can pick the choice that’s right for your smile.

Whiten Your Smile With Absolute Dental Care

To find out more about cosmetic dental options to whiten your smile, call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 today!