How Root Canal Treatments Stop Problems With Tooth Pain

If tooth pain starts to concern you, be aware that the problem can continue to worsen until you arrange the appropriate restorative dental treatment. In fact, the cause of your discomfort can eventually lead to problems so serious that the only treatment left is to extract the tooth! Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office has experience caring for patients who have started to struggle with tooth pain. Through root canal treatment, we are able to address internal problems that cause discomfort and sensitivity. Once this work is done, we can follow your treatment with the placement of a permanent dental crown. 

Your Aching Tooth May Have An Advanced Cavity

Why does your tooth continue to hurt? If you have no clue what could be responsible for you pain, know that you could be struggling with a cavity that has led to an infection within your pulp. This can be an uncomfortable experience, as the tooth’s living nerves are contained within this chamber. If nothing is done to address the matter at this point, bacteria are able to spread further by moving through the roots of your tooth.

Scheduling Your Root Canal Treatment

If we determine that you have a problem with advanced decay, we can make plans to resolve the matter by performing a root canal procedure. People sometimes shrink away from news that they need a root canal, as they have fears around what the experience might be like. Know that the procedure will address the reason for your ongoing discomfort, and it will save you from experiencing tooth loss!

Crowns Effectively Restore Teeth After Root Canal Treatment

While a root canal is able to save a tooth, support for that tooth will have to be provided in the form of a dental crown. A crown offers more protection than a dental filling, and it occupies more space, which means preparatory work can be necessary. Your restoration will be made to fit comfortably and without bothering your neighboring teeth. If the tooth in question is visible when you smile, we can recommend material types for your crown that closely match the appearance of your healthy enamel.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Root Canal Treatment!

Are you starting to grow concerned over a toothache that is not subsiding? If you are, know that it may be due to an advanced cavity, and that you could be in need of a root canal procedure. Absolute Dental Care has experience caring for infections, and we can make sure that your issues are fully resolved. We also offer a range of cosmetic and preventive services for people who visit us. If you would like to know more, please contact your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist, Dr. Folck, by calling (757) 428-7440.