A Smile Makeover Can Include Restorative And Cosmetic Work

As you start to discuss a smile makeover with your dentist, you can discover that the process of improving your appearance can differ from your expectations in many ways. One thing that might surprise you is that your plans can actually consist of both restorative and cosmetic services. If you have teeth that are in poor health because of damage, general wear and tear, or other problems, they can require treatment with dental crowns rather than cosmetic restorations. Restorative dental treatment will also be part of the process for patients who want to address tooth loss as part of their makeover. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, patients who are ready to pursue a smile makeover can find that we are ready to find the most beneficial path to delivering significant improvements!

What Are You Interested In Changing About Your Smile?

There are many issues that can rob a person of confidence in the way they look. Sometimes, patients want to look into smile makeovers because they have several damaged or misshapen teeth, concerns about their enamel color, or any combination of esthetic issues. In other cases, cosmetic concerns can actually be mixed with oral health issues like dental decay, damage, or even tooth loss! In order to provide the right treatment or treatments for you, your dentist will perform an evaluation to see what kind of services might benefit your smile.

Cosmetic Services That Can Lead To Big Smile Improvements

You may find that even an ambitious goal for a smile makeover can be reached with just one cosmetic procedure. By providing porcelain veneers for your teeth, we can resolve issues with discoloration, damage, and even some problems with poor smile alignment. Veneers are made to provide lasting value; the porcelain used to make them will be strong enough to withstand biting and chewing pressures for years. We can also focus attention on problems with misshapen, discolored, or damaged teeth by performing bonding and contouring services, which will not require restorations.

Restorative Treatment Can Make You More Confident In The Way You Look

Whether we need to address tooth loss as part of your smile makeover or just restore teeth that are in poor health, we can make sure that oral health issues are addressed while we improve your appearance. By providing dental crowns that look like healthy teeth, we can give you more confidence in the way you look while we also address problems that have affected your bite function and overall oral health.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist’s Office About A Smile Makeover

Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is prepared to help if you want to know more about starting a smile makeover. If you have questions, or wish to schedule an appointment, contact Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.