When Jaw Pain Calls For Your Dentist’s Help

Is it time to tell your dentist that you are struggling with jaw pain and stiffness? How serious does discomfort need to be to be worth discussing at an appointment, or during a routine exam and cleaning? Many people experience some problems with limited or painful jaw movement because of TMJ disorder. This condition can be the result of any issue that interferes with the alignment and movement of your jaw. A past injury, problems with arthritis in your joints, or an uneven bite can lead to your difficulties. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can help you deal with this matter. We can also help with related concerns about teeth grinding.

Is It Hard For You To Move Your Jaw Without Pain Or Stiffness?

If pain has become a recurring issue for you, or if you are experiencing pain that has changed how you approach biting and speaking, you should let your dentist know. Issues with TMJ disorder can worsen in time, and that can have unpleasant consequences. You may experience frequent headaches because of unresolved jaw tension. You could also encounter difficulties with biting, chewing, and speaking because jaw movement becomes so painful or limited.

Speaking With Your Dentist About TMJ Therapy

We can provide relief from TMJ disorder with oral appliance therapy. A custom oral appliance is useful in treatment because it can even out your jaw’s natural position. By keeping it in a more comfortable alignment while you are at rest, you can encourage your jaw to stay in a more even position at rest, and you can develop better, more comfortable movement. We can also evaluate you to see if there are any problems with individual teeth that should be addressed through restorative work to help you bite and chew with more comfort.

Are You Also In Need Of Help To Address Teeth Grinding?

Teeth grinding and TMJ problems are often connected, as one can actually make a person more likely to experience the other. If you need to do something about this habit, let your dentist know before you suffer permanent damage to your enamel! We can provide a custom guard to keep your smile safe while you sleep, a time when you are vulnerable to persistent grinding and clenching.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Jaw Pain

Until you do something about TMJ disorder, you can experience problems with pain and sensitivity on a daily basis! Fortunately, we can help you by adjusting the position of your jaw, and by providing any necessary treatments to improve your bite function. To learn more about treatment for this problem, or to discuss any other matter related to your oral health with us, reach out to Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.