Treating TMJ Disorder Eases Jaw Pain

virginia beach tmj disorderTMJ disorder, sometimes referred to as TMD, could lead to serious discomfort and even threaten your oral health. The disorder is brought on by strain on your jaw joints, and could lead to complications like teeth grinding. In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist talks about how we treat TMJ dysfunction.

Jaw Pain and TMD

Do you have pain in and around your jaw, or a persistent headache? This could be related to your temporomandibular joints, which connect your jaw and skull. You need these joints to eat and speak, and the pressure on them could lead to TMD, in which you have trouble fully opening and closing your mouth, and experience a host of uncomfortable symptoms. Along with headaches and jaw pain, you could experience facial aches, pain in the neck and shoulders, and a popping or clicking sensation in the jaw. If you also grind your teeth, tooth sensitivity and toothaches could develop as well. When you notice these symptoms, please let us know right away!

Causes and Dangers

The disorder could be brought on by changes to your overall bite balance, which could be due to missing teeth, dental misalignment, injury to the face or jaw, or issues with the growth and development of your smile and eruption of the teeth. Untreated bruxism (teeth grinding) could be a factor as well. This could cause discomfort when you eat or speak, lead to worsening complications and discomfort, and even leave your teeth at risk of tooth decay and infection as they’re injured or worn down. We can offer treatment, and in the meantime, you can avoid hard or chewy foods, which could exacerbate the issue, and use a warm washcloth to ease tension in the side of the face.

Treatment for TMD Issues

For some, treatment could involve orthodontics to correct misalignment, or the use of a crown or bonding/contouring to improve overall bite balance. We could also use dental prosthetics to replace missing teeth too. But the most common cause is an oral appliance, one that is worn as you sleep and fits like a mouthguard. The device is crafted based on detailed digital images we take of your smile, so it fits comfortably and concerns care with precision. The device actually repositions the jaw to ease tension and prevent further symptoms. If you grind your teeth, this puts a barrier between the upper and lower sets to prevent further damage.

If you have any questions about treating TMJ disorder, then contact our team today to learn more.

Schedule a Consultation for TMD Treatment with Your Virginia Beach, VA, Dentist

We’re ready to find the source of your jaw pain and headaches, so you can enjoy TMD relief. Call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440 to schedule an appointment for your family soon!