Repairing Your Smile With Restorative Dentistry

virginia beach restorative dentistryWhen you have a damaged or misshapen tooth in need of restoration, or an aching tooth due to cavities or infection, then you need restorative dentistry. These treatments can offer improvement and lifelike results, preserving your smile for years to come. In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist talks about our approach to restorative dentistry.

When to Seek Restorative Treatment

To start your restorative dentistry journey, our team will conduct a detailed examination of your smile with advanced imaging technology, including digital x-rays and intraoral cameras. These allow us to examine the smile closely to assess the cause and severity of your oral health concerns, so we can plan treatment with precision and accuracy. We then create a personalized treatment plan so we can improve your smile and offer optimal results.

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are a common part of restorative dentistry, and can be used to treat tooth decay. Instead of metals like amalgam, we will use metal-free compote resin, which is safe for all ages. The material is also biocompatible and bonds with the bone structure. The placement process only takes one visit. The composite resin can be shaded to blend with your smile seamlessly and will bond with the structure, lasting for years to come. We can also use the same material to offer cosmetic benefits in a bonding procedure, in which we mask teeth stains, reshape malformed teeth, repair minor damage, and even close gaps between the teeth. Remember, treating decay is essential to prevent the onset of an infection or the loss of a tooth!

Our Custom Crowns

We also have more substantial dental restoration in the form of dental crowns. These restorations cover the entire visible portion of a tooth, all the structure above the gum line. The crown can address severe tooth decay, aid in infection treatment by completing a root canal, and also repair cracked, chipped, or broken teeth. We can lengthen worn down structures, improving bite balance and chewing function, and for those with missing teeth we can even support bridges or restore dental implants. Each one is custom-made for your smile using lifelike ceramic, so it can be shaded to blend with your smile. With crowns, we can use restorative dentistry to return your smile to optimal health, function, and beauty.

Replacing Teeth with Dental Bridges

When you have lost a tooth, or as many as three in a row, then we can fill this gap using restorative dentistry. Dental bridges are a prosthetic that addresses minor tooth loss and also offers a lifelike appearance and a balanced bite. The prosthetic is custom-made for your smile and contains new teeth with crowns attached to one or both ends. The crown portion is attached to the abutment teeth, the ones on each side of the gap, which then secures your new teeth firmly in place. Made from lifelike ceramic, these can blend with the smile and offer 10 to 15 years of quality tooth replacement.

Tooth Extraction

When you have a tooth that is severely damaged, develops advanced decay or infection, or is loosened by gum disease, then we may not be able to treat it with a crown. However, we could extract it to prevent the spread of infection and preserve your smile’s overall health. We may also recommend extraction to prevent wisdom tooth impaction too! The process is simple, we will plan the process with digital x-rays and then numb your smile. We gently extract the tooth with forceps and suture the area closed, removing them in a follow-up visit. The process could take as little as 30 minutes, and protect your smile from major concerns down the road.

Dental Implant Placement

Our team can also replace missing teeth with a long-lasting prosthetic, one that looks and functions like natural teeth. Not only that, but dental implants can stay in place for decades to come, potentially even a lifetime! These are inserted into the jawbone and bond with the bone structure, acting like new roots and allowing your new teeth to last for years to come. We then attach an abutment to connect a crown and complete your new tooth. We can also employ them to support a bridge or even a full set of fixed dentures, so you enjoy full smiles for decades to come.

If you have any questions about restorative dentistry, or about scheduling a visit before the year ends so you can put your remaining 2023 dental benefits to use, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk to Our Team About Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry can help repair your smile and offer lifelike results, sometimes in as little as one visit. Call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule an appointment.