Sometimes A Tooth Needs Extraction

virginia tooth extractionWhen a tooth has a cavity, we place a filling. When one is damaged or severely decayed, we could secure a crown. But what if an issue arises that cannot be extracted with a filling or crown? To prevent the spread of infection, we could remove the tooth. In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist explains when a tooth needs extraction!

When a Tooth Cannot Be Saved

If a tooth is severely damaged or decayed/infected beyond the possibility of treatment with a crown, then leaving it in place could allow infection to reach other parts of your smile. Likewise, we could recommend extraction for teeth loosened by gum disease, or to make room for orthodontic treatment. Extraction could also help improve overall bite balance too. Preventing wisdom tooth impaction, which occurs when the wisdom teeth erupt in your late teens and early 20s, is possible with an extraction. You then avoid negative impacts on the health and beauty of your smile.

Ensuring A Comfortable Experience

Our team will first take detailed digital x-rays of your smile, so we can identify the position of the tooth being removed, and also any nearby blood vessels, nerve tissues, and sinus cavities. We then plan the procedure in detail. To ensure you’re comfortable, we can administer a local numbing agent to the area being treated. If you have anxiety, we can administer sedation to help you enter a calm and comfortable state, but still able to respond to the dentist as needed. You will have little to no memory of the procedure afterward. We want to ensure your oral surgery is a comfortable and positive experience.

The Tooth Extraction

Once you’re comfortable, our team will then gently remove the tooth with a pair of forceps. We suture the area closed, and provide aftercare instructions when your friend or family member takes you home. We may also provide prescriptions for any necessary medications to ensure a comfortable and effective healing period. For the first day or two, be sure to avoid solid foods and straws, eat soft items and rest. You want a clot to form as part of the healing process and accidently dislodging it could lead to major discomfort. We will remove sutures in a follow-up visit, and make sure everything is healing as it should.

If you have any questions about the tooth extraction process then please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We would love to help you enjoy a strong and healthy smile, avoiding serious oral health issues.

Schedule a Visit for Your Next Checkup

Our team wants to see you and make sure you continue to enjoy optimal oral health. Call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule a visit soon!