A Filling Can Stop Your Toothache

virginia beach dental fillingsWhen your tooth has an ache that lasts for more than a day, this could be a common warning sign of a cavity. You want treatment to not only stop discomfort, but prevent infection and a higher risk of tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist talks about stopping toothaches with a dental filling.

Cavities and Aching Teeth

A cavity forms in a tooth when harmful oral bacteria move past the protective layer of tooth enamel and then reach the inner dentin, the sensitive structure that makes up most of your tooth. This could happen when plaque and tartar buildup, the result of poor brushing/flossing and a diet high in sugar and starch, weakens and erodes the outer enamel. Likewise, teeth grinding or an injury to the tooth that cracks or chips the enamel could expose the dentin to harmful oral bacteria. When cavities form, they grow in severity until the tooth begins to ache or feel sensitive when you eat or drink. Don’t ignore your pain, as a toothache means the cavity has reached a more advanced state and the risk of an infected tooth is much higher.

Dental Fillings

Our team will take a close look at your smile with digital imaging technology to assess the position and severity of the cavity, so we can plan our treatment in detail. In most cases, a dental filling is necessary to improve the health and function of the tooth. Instead of metal, we will use a composite resin that is metal-free and able to be color matched for a lifelike appearance. We will numb the tooth so you are comfortable as our team removes decay and cleans the area. The composite resin is then applied in several layers, shaded to match your tooth. As we cure the material under a light, our team will sculpt and mold the tooth. Finally, we polish it for a brighter appearance, treating your cavity in only one visit!

Talking a Preventive Approach

Our team can also offer preventive care to help limit the risk of cavities and limit the need for treatments like fillings and crowns. With a six-month visit, we can examine your smile for the earliest signs of cavities and take action before you have an aching tooth. In the same visit, a cleaning will enable us to remove the plaque and tartar that can weaken your enamel. For kids, we can discuss treatments like fluoride and dental sealants to lower the risk of cavities.

Do You Have Questions About Restorative Dentistry?

You can call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule an appointment now, so we can treat your decayed tooth with a lifelike dental filling.