Enjoy A Straighter Smile With Invisalign®

virginia beach invisalignIf you have crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth, then you may feel self-conscious about your smile. In addition, your oral health could suffer due to this misalignment. But with Invisalign®, we can straighten your smile and do so with nearly invisible aligners! In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist looks at the Invisalign® system.

The Impact of an Uneven Smile

Misalignment obviously impacts the appearance of your smile and could be a source of self-consciousness about your teeth. But poor alignment is also linked to tooth decay and gum disease, as thorough brushing and flossing is often very difficult. In addition, the pressure on your jaw joints and bite balance could increase the risk of issues like TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). Don’t let the appearance, health, and function of your smile suffer, talk to our team about orthodontics. We can examine your smile to assess the cause and severity of your alignment concerns, and then decide if treatments like Invisalign® are the right choice for you!

Crafting Your Custom Aligners

If we choose Invisalign® to address your poor alignment, then we will need to create a series of custom plastic aligners, which we will use in lieu of metal braces. These aligners are made from BPA-free plastic and are completely clear in appearance. We craft them based on the digital images and measurements we take of your smile. Each set then fits comfortably and helps gradually and gently reposition your smile to correct misalignment, often in as little as one year for some patients.

Starting the Invisalign® Treatment Process

To begin, you will wear a set of the aligners for about 20 to 22 hours a day, over a period of two weeks, depending on our recommendations. Afterward, you will begin to wear the next set of aligners in the series, and continue repeating this process as your smile is corrected. For many, even smiles are possible in a year, while those with more severe alignment issues may need up to 18 months. The aligners themselves are easy to use and clean, and they can travel with you easily. You can remove them before meals so you do not have to alter your diet, and being removable makes brushing and flossing simpler, so you can lower your risk of teeth stains, gum disease, and cavities during treatment. You can even take them out for special occasions, such as first dates, job interviews, graduations, and more. If you have any questions, contact our team today!

Do You Have Questions About Our Clear Orthodontics?

You can call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule an appointment now, so we can start you on the path to an even and beautiful smile!