Valentine’s Day: It Doesn’t Have To Be A Smile Harmer

You see Valentine’s Day on the horizon and you have one immediate thought, of course, as it applies to your oral health: Wow, this is going to be a really bad day for my teeth! True, if you feel that you simply must indulge, then you will probably be exposing your smile to lots of sugar and maybe even some other culprits that tend to lead to damage. However, whether you’re serious about your sweets or not, our Virginia Beach, VA team is happy to report that we can help you celebrate this love-filled day, while showing some love to your smile, too!

Do Your Best To Clean Your Smile

So, you really, really love Valentine’s Day candy and treats? That’s okay. You don’t have to hide it from us! Instead, you can go right ahead and eat it all up! That is, assuming you protect your oral health with some of our easy tips:

  • Try not to snack on it all day long. Instead, try to designate a time to eat sweet treats, and then stop.
  • Once you are through with your snack or dessert, rinse your mouth with water to get those sugars and carbs off of your teeth.
  • After waiting about 30 minutes to an hour, brush your teeth!

You Can Have Fun With Smile-Safe Foods Instead

Don’t forget that celebrating love doesn’t mean you have to eat things that could potentially lead to damage for your oral health. Instead of going for sweets, consider other ways to create a Valentine’s Day theme. For instance, think about using the color red and enjoying foods like red bell peppers, strawberries, red applies, watermelon, and the list goes on! Or, why not use fun heart-shaped dishes, plates, and napkins? You could even make an omelet in the shape of a heart! See how far your creativity can take you!

You Might Want To Get Crafty With The Kids

We know that you may assume the only way your kids are going to have any fun is if they get lots of candy and pastries. However, there’s another fun way to celebrate with them: Enjoy some arts and crafts! Make Valentines together and let loose!

Make It About An Experience

Rather than focusing on all of the stuff that could lead to potential oral health decline (like a flood of sweets), consider celebrating by focusing on a fun, love-themed activity instead! This could include anything that you deem appropriate or romantic. Maybe you like watching lovey-dovey movies, maybe you go out for dinner, perhaps you do something unrelated (like bowling) but you decide it’s going to be your annual celebration! It’s up to you.

Enjoy Valentine’s Day While Protecting Your Smile

Remember to let us know if you find you have trouble navigating your oral health during particular times of the year or under certain circumstances, such as holidays. We will be happy to offer tips and advice! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Suffolk, Hampton, Eastern Shore, and all surrounding communities.