Your Virginia Beach Dentist’s Tips: Keeping Clear Braces Clear

When you’re considering clear braces from your Virginia Beach dentist, you may wonder to yourself: Sure, they look clear in the beginning but how long will clear aligner trays really stay that way? Is this one of those gimmicks in which this main benefit gives you the nearly invisible care you want at the start but diminishes over time? Fortunately, the answer is easy! When you follow through on tips and suggestions provided by our Virginia Beach, VA team in terms of care, this clear treatment really can remain crystal clear! Learn more.

Tip: Don’t Smoke With Them

When you want to keep your clear braces looking nice and clear, so you don’t lose this major benefit of being able to align your smile through incognito means, your Virginia Beach dentist reminds you: Don’t smoke with them in your mouth. Of course, we also suggest you don’t smoke at all, as it is detrimental to your oral health and overall health in so many ways and it will not only stain clear trays but also your teeth! Have questions? Just ask.

Tip: Don’t Eat Or Drink With Them

One of the other factors that can come into play when you’re trying to keep your trays nice and clear as you enjoy clear braces? Eating and drinking. Unless you’re enjoying cool to room temperature water, you should not let any food or beverage pass your lips, while you have your trays in place. To do so can cause multiple problems. The first, of course, is that any pigments in the items you eat can stain the trays. Then, they might scrape up the trays (which can cloud the clarity). Of course, food and drink may also damage or significantly warp them (think hot foods), which will set you back in terms of treatment progress!

Tip: Always Rinse Everything Before Replacement

Assuming you follow your Virginia Beach dentist’s suggestions for eating and drinking with trays out of your mouth, we remind you that you should not put them back in place (after eating and/or drinking) until you’ve rinsed your smile and the trays. This will help keep your smile healthy and prevent staining.

Tip: Cleanse Them Exactly As Suggested

Remember, another very important tool offered by your Virginia Beach dentist? Directions for the method and frequency of cleansing your clear braces. Follow it for success!

Protect Your Clear Braces 

Come in for the orthodontic system you need to arrive at an aligned, more beautiful smile, and all without noticeable care! Keep your clear braces clear by asking us for tips and they’ll remain nearly invisible! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach and all surrounding communities.