Is There Anything You Can Do To Address Chronic Jaw Pain?

Have your troubles with jaw pain become a frequent, or even daily, concern? Is it hard for you to avoid some discomfort, particularly when you bite, chew, and speak? The chronic discomfort you are experiencing could be TMJ disorder. This is a condition that can have several causes. The problem can be the result of physical injury, repetitive motions that cause stress, or even difficulties with arthritis affecting the joints. When these problems cause a person to experience TMJ disorder, relief can be difficult to enjoy. Fortunately, your Virginia Beach, VA dentist can work with you to alleviate tension, and provide the appropriate care to address causes of stress.

Why You Should Take Persistent Jaw Pain Seriously

If you continue to struggle with jaw pain, it can cause you to experience headaches, interfere with your ability to enjoy certain foods, and generally interfere with your quality of life. If the trouble is linked to bite difficulties, you could be ignoring an issue that is hurting your oral health. By reaching out to your dentist to discuss the matter, or talking about your pain during your next routine dental checkup, you can receive attention to help put an end to this difficulty.

Using An Appliance To Relieve Tension On Your Jaw

The position of your jaw can create stress that affects your joints and muscles, eventually leading to functional troubles, pain, and limited movement. When this becomes a concern, your dentist can help by providing a special appliance to correct the position of your jaw. By doing so, the tension affecting your joints and muscles can be reduced, and you can adjust to a more comfortable natural position. In addition to recommending this appliance, your dentist may determine that orthodontic work is needed to improve your natural bite. Restorative dental work can also be helpful, as it can make natural biting and chewing easier.

We Can Help You Deal With Headaches And Teeth Grinding, Too

Chronic headaches and habitual teeth grinding can be linked to issues with your jaw. Your Virginia Beach dentist can work with you to ensure that these difficulties are effectively resolved. If you persistently grind your teeth at night, a bruxism appliance can help protect your smile from further damage. With TruDenta, your dentist can find the root of your issues with headaches, and make sure that the matter is addressed so that the problem no longer interferes with your life.

Talk To Absolute Dental Care About Your Struggles With Chronic Jaw Pain

At Absolute Dental Care, we are ready to help patients enjoy relief from problems with TMJ disorder. To find out more about how we can help you, call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA, today at (757) 428-7440.