Smart Oral Hygiene Habits For The Start And End Of Your Day

Even if you only clean your teeth during the start and end of your day, you can affect your smile health throughout it. After all, the choices you make regarding your diet, the amount of water you drink, and whether to indulge in tobacco use, can be factors in your risk for dental problems. With that said, your Virginia Beach, VA dentist certainly encourages patients to stick to a good oral hygiene routine! The work you put into cleaning your teeth when you wake, or before you turn in for the night, helps you fight the buildup of oral bacteria that can cause tooth decay and gum disease. With smart care during the day, effective hygiene efforts, and preventive dental exams, you can stay on top of your oral health needs!

Consistency Is Important If You Want To Protect Your Smile

It is important to set a good oral hygiene routine for yourself, and it is important for you to stick to it. After all, a smart plan is hardly going to help someone who refuses to follow it! Plaque can accumulate and harden to tartar in less time than you expect. Every time you rush through brushing and flossing, or skip them entirely, you can make effective oral care more difficult for yourself.

Tips For Smart Smile Care When Your Day Begins

Your body produces less saliva while you sleep, so you have less protection against oral bacteria that are present. Your struggles with “morning breath” can be related to this issue. Starting your day by thoroughly brushing can remove these harmful microbes so that they are not able to cause problems that will eventually require dental fillings or dental crowns. To further protect yourself in the morning, stick to healthy breakfast choices in order to limit your exposure to harmful sugars.

Take Good Care Of Your Teeth And Gums Before Bed

Before going to bed, spend time cleaning your teeth so that you can remove food particles left behind by dinner, and to clear away bacteria that might feed on those particles while you sleep. Take the time to floss so that any food or bacteria buildup between teeth are removed. If you have struggled to stop grinding your teeth at night, you may want to give yourself more time to unwind and relax before bed, as stress can be a trigger for this problem. A consistent concern with this issue, known as bruxism, can be addressed with a custom oral appliance.

Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist Can Help You Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is prepared to help you take on problems with your smile. We are also here to provide guidance that can help you care for your teeth between appointments. To find out more about our services, call Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.