Understanding A Root Canal Treatment’s Role In Dental Care

A root canal procedure is something patients often (and understandably) hope to avoid. Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist helps individuals with this by providing thorough dental examinations, which can lead to the discovery and treatment of tooth decay before it is necessary. Your role in avoiding this procedure involves taking care of your smile to ensure that no problems with your oral health develop and require restorative treatment. With that said, the root canal procedure offers several important benefits, and it can address potentially serious problems with your dental health that may have developed. Used to address internal issues with a tooth, the treatment can put a stop to ongoing pain, stop the spread of an infection, and even save an injured tooth! 

When Is It Necessary To Undergo Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal procedure is only necessary when a problem affects the interior health of a tooth. Through treatment with a dental filling, a cavity can be stopped before decay has damaged any portion of your tooth beyond your enamel. If decay leads to an internal infection, or if an infection occurs after an injury, a root canal procedure is necessary to deal with the matter. If you put off treatment, you can put yourself through an extended period of dental pain and sensitivity. You can even increase your risk for losing your tooth!

Restoring A Tooth After A Root Canal Is Performed

After a root canal procedure, your dentist will take care of your tooth by restoring it with a dental crown. The placement of a dental crown keeps a tooth protected against further infection or damage, and it allows you to bite and chew food without problems. This restoration is custom-made to fit your tooth, and care can be taken to provide one that is a good cosmetic match for your smile if it has the potential to affect the way you look.

Tips To Help You Avoid Future Root Canals

Root canal treatments can be more comfortable and less invasive than patients fear, but you should still make a commitment to avoiding problems that require them. To do this, make sure you have efforts in place to consistently protect your smile from harm by brushing and flossing effectively. That means brushing at least twice a day and flossing on a daily basis. Smart dieting can also help – meals and snacks that are low in sugar can make you less likely to have issues with decay.

Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist’s Office Can Help You Manage Your Oral Health

At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, individuals who worry about the health of a tooth can arrange treatment to deal with a potentially serious dental matter through root canal treatment. To find out more about how we can help you restore your oral health, please call Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.