Arranging Care When Multiple Cavities Affect Your Smile

Someone who is not attending dental exams on a regular basis can receive unwelcome news when they finally see their dentist again. In the time between their last appointment, they may have had several cavities form, which means their need for restorative dentistry will involve multiple procedures. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can work with you to fully restore your smile’s health. Our approach to restorative treatment can preserve the look of your smile while still taking on problems that affect your dental well-being. In addition to doing this, we can set you up with ongoing checkups to ensure that your smile remains protected in the future.

Cavity Problems Can Catch You Off Guard If You Do Not Attend Regular Exams

If you are not attending regular dental exams, you are not able to receive any updates about the state of your smile. People who skip checkups may operate under the impression that they must be fine if they lack obvious signs of discomfort. What they may fail to realize is that cavities can form and start to destroy their enamel without their realizing it. Eventually, the decay can create problems that are difficult to ignore, alerting them to the need to seek treatment. Unfortunately, by that time, more than one of your teeth may require treatment!

Scheduling Treatment To Restore Several Teeth

We can make plans to fully restore your smile after studying your teeth and identifying areas of concern. The more time a cavity has to develop and worsen, the more harm it can do to your enamel. If a tooth’s condition is poor enough to cause discomfort, it may take root canal therapy to address it. We can check on the severity of your cavities and see which ones might be in the most urgent need for treatment, then work on addressing all of the problems that currently face you.

We Can Help You Avoid Future Issues With Dental Decay

After your cavities have been treated, and your teeth have been restored with either dental fillings or dental crowns, we can change our focus to keeping your smile free of problems. At regular checkups, you will receive a careful review for any signs of trouble. With these reviews, we can make sure that cavities are caught and treated early. We can also keep your smile safe by offering professional cleanings.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Restoring Your Smile

At Absolute Dental Care, our practice is prepared to help patients regain their healthy smile by identifying and treating any cavity issues that have arisen since your last appointment. To find out more about how we can help you, contact your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist, Dr. Folck, by calling (757) 428-7440.