Is Gum Contouring The Right Cosmetic Procedure For You?

If you feel that you are not currently showing off your best smile, you can be eager to learn about the different cosmetic dental services that are available to you. With as little as one procedure, you can make changes to your appearance that have lasting impact, which means you can enjoy a sustained confidence boost. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we provide a variety of services that can positively change the way a person looks. In some cases, the procedure we recommend may actually target your gums, not your teeth. Through gum contouring treatment, we can address problems with teeth that look short or squat, issues with smile asymmetry, and concerns about uneven tissues that affect the way you look.

Bulky And Uneven Gum Tissues Can Hurt A Person’s Smile

The overall quality of your smile can be more influenced by your gums than you realize. Problems with bulky or uneven tissues may make your smile look asymmetrical or uneven. It can also cause problems by making your teeth look short or squat, which can make you unhappy with the way they look. A gum contouring procedure will carefully clear away or reshape your tissues to improve the quality of your smile.

Arranging A Gum Contouring Treatment

After examining your smile and gums, your dentist can make arrangements to perform your gum contouring treatment. The treatment will carefully trim away excess tissues in order to give your teeth more length, make your smile more even, and fix awkward spaces that look bumpy or flawed. Because we use lasers when working with these soft tissues, we can make more precise cuts and provide shorter healing times than treatments that rely on manual tools.

Should I Pair Gum Contouring With Another Cosmetic Procedure?

A gum contouring procedure is often enough to deliver the smile improvements that a patient desires. With that said, some people do choose to look into additional work to make the most of their improvements. You may want to plan a teeth whitening procedure in addition to gum contouring to make a more significant change to your appearance. We can also discuss the benefits of additional work with veneers, or through dental bonding treatment, to address flawed teeth that currently stand out in your smile.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist’s Office About Gum Contouring

Through cosmetic dentistry, our practice is able to give patients exciting smile improvements that they are eager to start showing off. A gum contouring procedure can make your smile even, correct conspicuous flaws, and even improve the way you look by giving your teeth more length. If you would like to learn more about the cosmetic services at Absolute Dental Care, call your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist, Dr. Folck, at (757) 428-7440.