Where To Begin When You Want To Enjoy A Smile Makeover

You have a vision for how you want your smile to look. The trouble is that you are unsure of what cosmetic dental work might be needed to give you the changes you want. Will you need to schedule more than one procedure? Will you need more than just cosmetic services to address all of your concerns? At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, patients who are bothered by the way they look can meet with us to learn what their options are. You may feel that your goals for a smile makeover will require multiple procedures and advanced work. What you can find during your consultation is that a single procedure can produce many changes and lead to more improvements than you thought were possible!

Cosmetic And Oral Health Issues Can Make People Unhappy With Their Appearance

Are your cosmetic issues actually oral health problems? For some people, the right treatment to restore their smile will actually involve restorative dental work. Through treatment to restore unhealthy teeth, your dentist can make positive changes to the way you look. Dental crowns that match the color and texture of healthy teeth can lead to exciting smile improvements while also restoring your bite. Prosthetic dental work can also provide clear benefits for your smile while improving your dental function. Through the placement of dental implants, we can plan the restoration of your full smile while also improving your bite function.

A Smile Makeover Can Require Fewer Cosmetic Treatments Than You Expect

For those who have issues that should be treated with cosmetic dental work, we can determine how we can make dramatic changes through conservative treatment options. With porcelain veneers, we can improve the shape, color, and condition of your teeth with just a single procedure, one that only requires minor changes to your tooth structure. Veneers are able to fully restore your smile while only requiring minor changes because they cover the fronts of teeth, leaving the remaining tooth structure alone.

Using Orthodontic Treatment To Change Your Smile

Invisalign treatment can help you improve your smile if you are bothered by any gaps between teeth, overlaps, or other issues with alignment. Your custom aligners will gradually move teeth into their proper spaces, making improvements by fixing specific flaws and making your smile more symmetrical. With Invisalign aligners, there is no need to have your teeth fitted with fixed, conspicuous metal braces to have this work done, making the process of improving the way you look more comfortable!

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About A Smile Makeover

A smile makeover can produce significant changes in the way you look while requiring less actual work on your tooth structure than you realize. To find out how Dr. Folck can help you improve the way you look, contact Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.