Should I Start Making Plans For A Smile Makeover?

Is the start of the new year the right time to plan your smile makeover? If you have problems with your appearance at present, discussing cosmetic dentistry at our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can help you understand your options for improving the way you look. What might surprise you is that even if you have several changes you want to make, one procedure may be all it takes to give you the results you desire. We can review your options for cosmetic services, and we can also alert you to problems with your oral health that may be responsible for esthetic flaws as well as active discomfort.

What Can You Do About Problems With Your Smile?

The right cosmetic procedure can improve the color of your smile, address issues with malocclusion, hide wear and tear, or even cover up chips and cracks that have developed. Because cosmetic dentistry is effective at resolving so many problems, the right treatment is often available to those who have concerns about the way they look. Treatment with porcelain veneers can actually address several problems at one time, so you can fix more than one issue with the way you look in the span of a single procedure!

Reviewing Your Options For Cosmetic Dental Treatment

The procedure (or procedures) recommended to you can depend on what concerns you have about your smile. For many people, treatment with veneers can resolve all active concerns. When custom veneers are crafted and put in place, they can hide discoloration, cover up small gaps or overlaps, and generally improve the shape and size of your teeth. Some preparatory work takes place when veneers are used in cosmetic services, though less work can be necessary than a procedure to restore teeth with dental crowns. If you want to minimize changes to your tooth structure while addressing more than one smile concern, we can discuss the effectiveness of tooth bonding and contouring services. We can also perform more than one treatment, like an adjustment with Invisalign followed by teeth whitening treatment, to deliver pronounced changes.

How Oral Health Problems Affect Plans For A Smile Makeover

Your smile makeover can feature restorative dental work if there are active oral health issues affecting you. You can be happy to know that dental crowns and bridges that restore your oral health and bite function can also benefit your smile by imitating healthy teeth. With work done to take care of worn or damaged teeth, you can see meaningful changes in your appearance!

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About A Smile Makeover

Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is ready to work with you on a smile makeover! After examining your smile, we can determine what procedure or procedures will help you show off the esthetic improvements that you desire. To find out more about what our practice can do for you, contact Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.