Making Your Smile Brighter At Home

If you have tried to make your smile brighter by using a store-bought whitening treatment, or by switching to a toothpaste that promised cosmetic benefits, you may have come away from the experience feeling let down. Is there anything you can do to see meaningful improvements that does not require an in-office dental procedure? At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can provide a custom teeth whitening kit that you can use to make real improvements to your smile. This kit is one that you can take home and use at your convenience, so you can make significant changes while sticking with a plan to brighten your smile at home!

Dealing With Dental Discoloration Can Often Lead To Frustration

Dental discoloration is a problem that affects people to different degrees. For those who have discoloration that is harder to ignore, it can feel as though there is no real solution in sight. While store bought whitening kits and toothpastes can have some benefit, they can fail to produce the kind of real improvements that you are after. Fortunately, you can use a teeth whitening treatment kit provided by your dentist to make the changes you want while still at home!

Taking Home A Professional Teeth Whitening Kit

Professional teeth whitening kits include bleaching agents as well as customized trays that make applying those agents easier. You will follow instructions and apply the whitening substance to your enamel each day for a set amount of time. In the course of just ten to fourteen days, you can marvel at your new, brighter smile!

In-Office Cosmetic Services That We Provide

For those who would like to deal with discoloration in the dentist’s office, we can help! We provide professional whitening services that we can complete in just a single appointment. During your visit, we will speed up the bleaching process with the aid of a special curing light. This work can be completed in roughly an hour.

Cosmetic dental work can take on more than just discoloration. If you want to make your smile brighter but also wish to address dental damage, problems with spacing, or other concerns around the shape or size of teeth, we can help! Porcelain veneers make it possible to hide blemishes, problems with misshapen or damaged teeth, and even issues with misalignment. We can also cover problems through tooth bonding and contouring treatment.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Making Your Smile Brighter At Home

Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is ready to help if you are concerned about the color of your smile. We offer both in-office and take-home whitening procedures that can give you exciting results! To learn more about how we can help you, please reach out to Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.