Using Invisalign Aligners To Close A Smile Gap

If there is too much space between two of your teeth, the resulting gap can be a problem for your smile. Spacing issues can create unsightly gaps in addition to causing more general concerns about the alignment and symmetry of your smile. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can offer you a treatment for this problem that does not require traditional metal braces. Instead, you can use Invisalign aligners to resolve spacing problems! These aligners carefully move teeth that are out of place, resulting in positive smile changes that give you more confidence and benefit your oral health!

Are You Unhappy With Your Smile Because Of A Spacing Issue?

If you have concerns about the spacing of your teeth, it can be difficult to smile with confidence. You may not realize it, but you can also experience oral health difficulties because of this problem. The positioning of your teeth can stop you from maintaining an even bite, and the resulting imbalances can wear down certain teeth and put excess strain on your jaw! To address this problem, we can provide you with a set of clear, removable Invisalign aligners to permanently move them into better positions.

Starting Treatment With Invisalign Aligners

To properly straighten your teeth, it is important that we take detailed measurements of them. Doing this, and evaluating their relative positions, makes it possible to create personalized aligners that will perform the work of closing gaps and resolving other spacing issues. You should wear your designated aligner throughout your day, but you can remove it when you need to eat or clean your teeth. Because all of the aligners you receive are made with a clear material, you can wear them without worrying about how they might affect the way you look.

What Else Can You Do To Improve Your Smile?

We may be able to deal with that smile gap in less time than you think possible. Depending on its size and the severity of your overall alignment issues, we may be able to move forward with a different cosmetic dental procedure. With custom veneers, we can hide spacing flaws by permanently modifying the shapes and sizes of teeth that look awkward or out of place. This does more than just improve your smile alignment, as your restorations can hide discoloration, trouble with dental damage, and more!

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Invisalign

With Invisalign aligners, you can finally put a problem with an embarrassing smile gap behind you! These clear appliances gradually move teeth in order to close gaps, fix awkward overlaps, and resolve any other problems with your appearance. To find out more about this or any other procedure that we offer, please call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440.