Asymmetrical Smile? Invisalign Can Help!

Minor problems with the way your teeth are aligned can cause you to feel unhappy with your appearance. After all, symmetry is an important facial feature, and even minor issues with gaps or overlaps between teeth can make your smile look uneven. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can help you fix these spacing troubles discreetly. Instead of recommending metal braces, we can talk to you about wearing Invisalign aligners which will gradually move teeth in place discreetly. At the end of your corrective work, you can have more than just cosmetic improvements to show off, as this work can also benefit your oral health.

Poor Alignment Can Make A Smile Look Awkward And Uneven

If you have teeth that are just slightly out of place, the visible spacing problems can make you feel self-conscious. Whether you realize it or not, the symmetry of a person’s smile can play a big part in how attractive they look. Those “minor” concerns that you have about your uneven smile can hold you back from feeling true confidence in the way you look. Fortunately, straightening your smile may not call for metal braces. Instead, we can move forward with treatment using Invisalign aligners that have been custom-made to make adjustments discreetly.

Beginning Treatment With Invisalign Aligners

Your Invisalign treatment will begin after a thorough review and evaluation of your oral structures. The information we gather when we perform will help us plan your procedure and provide aligners that are comfortable, secure, and ready to move your teeth in the right directions. Each appliance represents an important step in your corrective work. When you wear these appliances throughout the day, you will have an easier time sticking to your treatment schedule. That being said, you do have the ability to take them out on your own, so you will not have to worry that they might interfere with matters like oral hygiene, or that they will change your diet.

Other Benefits Of Orthodontic Treatment

Corrective work offers more than just smile improvements. While people interested in cosmetic dentistry can benefit from learning about orthodontic treatment with Invisalign, they can also see positive changes in their bite function. After all, when your teeth are straightened, it will be easier to maintain an even and comfortable bite. It can also help you preserve your oral health because you can have an easier time cleaning teeth that used to overlap.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Invisalign Treatment

Through Invisalign treatment, we can help you take on problems with your appearance that have left you feeling self-conscious. These clear aligners can be a welcome alternative to metal braces, one that can change your oral health as well as how you feel about your smile. If you would like to find out more, reach out to Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440.