Cosmetic Care With Porcelain Veneers

If you want to make lasting and noteworthy changes to your smile, the right cosmetic procedure can certainly help. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we provide multiple options for treatment. One of those options relies on porcelain veneers, thin shells that we place over the front surfaces of teeth to make lasting improvements. With this procedure, we can help people address problems with the shape, size, and color of their teeth, along with concerns about dental damage and general wear and tear that can occur over time.

What Do Porcelain Veneers Do To Improve A Person’s Smile?

With porcelain veneers, you can take on a wide range of problems with your smile. After this one procedure, a person can show off a bright, uniform smile, one that looks healthier and more youthful. While dental crowns fully cover teeth above the gum line, veneers only cover their front surfaces, which makes this a more conservative approach to care. After their placement, you can look forward to showing off a more attractive smile for many years!

Arranging Your Cosmetic Procedure

We can plan your treatment with personalized porcelain veneers in order to correct the flaws you feel hold you back from showing off your best smile. Treatment will help you address both issues that have developed over time and natural flaws. The first appointment you schedule will see you undergo necessary preparatory work, which includes care to measure teeth so that we can provide custom restorations. At your second visit, your veneers are put in place permanently. After this, you can proudly show off a brighter, more attractive smile!

Why A Crown Might Be Recommended Instead Of A Veneer For A Problem Tooth

If you have more than just a problem with the way your tooth looks, it may call for treatment with a dental crown. A crown provides the benefit of functional support, meaning it can provide more support when you bite and chew. As we meet with you to discuss your treatment options, we can determine if this is a preferable approach. With your restoration in place, you will have an easier time biting and chewing, and you can still feel renewed confidence in your appearance!

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Porcelain Veneers

Through cosmetic dental work with porcelain veneers, we can help patients make welcome changes to the way they look when they smile. This one service is able to address problems with discoloration, dental damage, and even natural problems with tooth shape, size, and spacing. We are happy to discuss this or any other cosmetic treatment we offer. To find out more, please reach out to Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440.