3 Things To Know About Tooth Decay

When it comes to tooth decay, there is one thing you definitely ought to know—this is a problem that calls for treatment from your dentist. While your daily routine can protect you against the formation of a cavity, restorative services need to take place if you want to stop one that has already developed from worsening. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can take care of you in a situation where you require prompt care for a cavity. Our restorative services go beyond simply removing decayed tissues, as we provide lifelike fillings and crowns that give you back the ability to smile and speak with confidence.

1. A Cavity Will Keep Growing Until You Undergo The Appropriate Restorative Treatment

If you keep up with a good oral hygiene routine at home, you can keep your enamel safe by stopping the formation of decay. When you clean your teeth, you remove oral bacteria as well as debris from meals, snacks, and beverages that these bacteria feed on. However, one thing you cannot do on your own is stop a cavity’s growth. Once you have an active problem with decay, you will need to arrange restorative dental work to stop it from worsening.

2. Your Tooth Can Become Infected If You Let Decay Go Untreated For Too Long

Eventually, a cavity will expose you to an infection as bacteria start to make their way through your enamel and gather in your pulp. The pulp is a tooth’s central chamber, the space where living tissues are contained. At this point, root canal therapy needs to take place to stop these bacteria from doing more harm and spreading through the tooth’s roots. The good news is that your root canal will stop pain associated with your infection, and it will make it possible for your dentist to save a tooth in a vulnerable state.

3. You Will Need A Permanent Restoration To Address Damage From A Cavity

Whether your cavity is caught in its early stages or only treated after an infection formed, you will need a permanent restoration. We will use a dental filling or dental crown—the choice is based on the state of your tooth, and the amount of support that you require. In either scenario, we will provide a restoration that matches your tooth structure and preserves your appearance.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Treatment For Tooth Decay

One important thing to know about tooth decay is that the problem is one that your dentist will have to address. Until you see someone about your cavity, it will keep spreading, and that can lead to more permanent harm as well as complications for your health. If you would like to find out more, please call Absolute Dental Care at 757-428-7440.