3 Things To Know About Cavities

There are plenty of reasons to worry about the formation of a cavity. Once one forms, you will have problems with permanent damage to your tooth structure that will have to be addressed with a restoration. Another is that untreated decay can lead to larger difficulties with your oral health, including problems with a painful infection. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we are prepared to help when our patients need support for decay. With that said, another important service we provide is preventive care, which will lower your risk for cavities and other issues that can make more involved care necessary.

1. Cavities Worsen Gradually Until They Are Treated

One frustrating issue with tooth decay is that the problem will grow progressively worse until you receive the appropriate restorative dental treatment. Eventually, that can lead to complications that leave your tooth at risk and make you vulnerable to more oral health troubles. However, there is good news: At a regular dental visit, we can identify and treat decay before these complications occur. In fact, we can actually provide treatment and protection with a dental filling before you start to feel discomfort!

2. Your Tooth Will Permanently Require Protection

Whether your cavity was large or small, it will leave behind permanent enamel damage that needs to be addressed. Fillings are the more conservative solution to this problem, one that only makes minimal changes to your enamel. When appropriate, we will use these restorations, but we are prepared to step in and help when you need something more. By placing a custom dental crown, we can resolve issues with advanced decay without changing your smile.

3. An Advanced Cavity Can Cause A Painful Infection

As bacteria make their way through your tooth structure, they can eventually cause a painful infection in your pulp, the central chamber of the tooth. At this point, you will need to schedule a root canal to fully address the problem. We can work with you on fully addressing problems within your tooth structure that stem from trouble with advanced decay. After doing so, we can seal your pulp and protect the tooth with a custom crown.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Cavity Treatment

Any time a patient needs help with dental decay, we can provide the appropriate support through cavity treatment that preserves their appearance, dental function, and oral health. Whether you require a dental filling or the support of a crown and root canal, we can put your problems behind you! Remember that we are also here to help by providing preventive services that will help you avoid future difficulties with cavities. If you would like to find out more about our services and support, please reach out to Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440.