How Invisalign Fixes Misalignment

Misaligned teeth can be a cosmetic issue as well as a problem for your oral health. Beyond making your smile asymmetrical and less attractive, poor spacing can cause issues with your bite function. The problem can also have a negative impact on the way you care for your smile, as it can be difficult to reach certain areas effectively. With treatment from Invisalign aligners, you can fix these problems discreetly, which means you do not have to worry about conspicuous braces that make you feel self-conscious. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is ready to talk with you about treatment with Invisalign to improve your appearance, health, and general quality of life.

Are You Bothered By The Alignment Of Your Smile?

Even if the problem is not severe, malocclusion can be a real source of frustration and concern. The spacing problems you have can hurt your confidence in your smile, as you can have awkward gaps and overlaps that draw attention to themselves. You can also have a generally asymmetrical appearance that makes you less confident. What you can do about this is pursue orthodontic treatment with Invisalign aligners, a discreet set of appliances that can help change your appearance for the better and also resolve spacing issues that hurt your oral health.

Using Invisalign To Take Care Of Teeth Spacing Issues

A set of Invisalign appliances are made to address your specific issues with your smile alignment. They are able to guide teeth into their appropriate positions gradually, with each aligner in your set a part of a larger overall correction that has been planned. Each is designed to be easily removed, so they will not be in your way when you eat or clean your teeth. Because they are made from a clear plastic material, they can go unnoticed while in place, so you can feel at ease with wearing them while you are in social and professional settings.

How Invisalign Helps You Improve Your Oral Health

In addition to improving the quality of your smile, Invisalign treatment can be good for your oral health. One reason some people have trouble avoiding problems with TMJ disorder is that they have poor teeth spacing that affects how they apply and release pressure when they bite. Through treatment, we can resolve this problem and help you enjoy a full improvement. You can also have an easier time cleaning your teeth when you no longer have to work to care for spaces where your teeth overlap.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist’s Office About Invisalign

Through treatment with Invisalign aligners, you can resolve problems with your teeth spacing and improve your smile as well as your oral health. For more information about how we can help you discreetly fix teeth spacing problems, contact Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440.