Enjoy The Boardwalk Astronomy Event!

On Tuesday, August 9, Virginia Beach families and those visiting the area can head to the Virginia Beach Boardwalk and enjoy a stunning view of the night’s sky. The Boardwalk Astronomy event will have telescopes ready for people of all ages to peer through. You can explore the cosmos while also taking in the scenery of our own coast. The event is hosted by the Back Bay Amateur Astronomers group.

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The Boardwalk Astronomy event is taking place on Tuesday, August 9. The event is set to run from 6 pm until 11 pm, with solar scopes set up for safe viewing of the sun until it sets and telescopes for studies of the night’s sky!


This event is taking place at the Virginia Beach Boardwalk near the 24th Street Stage. The address is 2401 Atlantic Ave.


This is a FREE event for Virginia Beach families and visitors to attend!

Activities Include:

During this free special event, the Back Bay Amateur Astronomers group will be on hand to help people of all ages explore the skies. Until sundown, solar scopes will be available for safe studies of the sun. After sunset, you can use telescopes to explore different parts of the night’s sky.

For More Information:

To find out more about this upcoming special event, please click here.

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You may need a telescope to study the cosmos, but you can rely on your dentist to closely evaluate your smile! Our practice provides valuable routine care during every checkup and cleaning. We are also prepared to provide different restorative and cosmetic services based on your needs and concerns. To find out more about how we can take care of you, reach out to Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440.