3 Ways To Improve Oral Hygiene

What can you gain from a better commitment to oral hygiene? Reducing your risk for cavities and gum disease can have lasting benefits. One reason for this is that you will not have to worry about problems that threaten your smile. Another reason is that you will be free from issues that can cause complications that affect your health and cause discomfort. Daily habits are certainly important to your hygiene efforts, but this is not all that you should focus on when it comes to managing your smile. You should also take advantage of regular dental checkups and cleanings. Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can help you make sure you are protected against different threats, and we can offer timely support whenever a problem is identified.

1. Make Sure You Floss On A Daily Basis

As valuable as the right brushing efforts are for keeping your teeth in a healthy condition, remember that you need to floss to protect spaces between teeth. These spaces are hard to care for with the bristles of a brush, but they offer enough room for bacteria and food particles, which means they are vulnerable to different problems. One thing to keep in mind is that neglecting these spaces can make you vulnerable to gum disease; to avoid this, make sure that you move the floss string vertically to clean the areas where your teeth and gums meet.

2. Consistently Schedule And Attend Dental Exams

Without your regular dental exams, you lose important feedback about the state of your smile. You may not realize when a cavity has formed, but as time passes, the decay will continue to spread and do damage to your tooth structure. A dental filling will discreetly restore the tooth after a small cavity is caught and removed by your dentist. Exams also keep you informed about the state of your gums, which can benefit from preventive care through both regular and more involved cleanings that remove bacteria from your roots.

3. Stay Hydrated By Regularly Drinking Water

By drinking water throughout the day and staying hydrated, you can better protect your smile from harm. One reason for this is that when water is a substitute for sugary drinks like soda and juice, your teeth are exposed to fewer harmful products. Water can also help by rinsing the mouth and removing food debris. Better hydration has another benefit throughout the day because it helps you produce saliva, which boosts your natural defense against trouble.

Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist Can Help You Maintain Better Oral Hygiene

Through better oral hygiene efforts, you can avoid issues that require restorative dental work and generally preserve your smile. If you would like to find out more, reach out to Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440.