Invisalign Can Fix An Asymmetrical Smile

When you think about smile flaws that can make a person embarrassed, you may think about problems that affect specific teeth, or you may picture someone whose smile looks unattractive due to stains. Sometimes, trouble stems from issues with poor spacing that can leave a person with an asymmetrical look. Poor smile symmetry is often linked to malocclusion, a problem with teeth spacing. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can recommend Invisalign as a treatment to take on this problem. Through the gradual correction of teeth that are not in alignment, we can help you improve how you look and show off an appearance that is more confident and attractive!

Spacing Flaws Can Make Your Smile Appear Asymmetrical

Facial symmetry is important to the overall quality of your appearance. When you have features that throw off this symmetry, it can hurt your confidence in how you look. Poor teeth spacing often disrupts this quality for people. The good news is that not only can this be fixed, it can be treated without the need for you to wear metal braces for an extended period of time. Our office is prepared to help patients resolve problems through the use of Invisalign aligners, which are made to be both hard to see and easy to remove!

Using Invisalign To Make Cosmetic Changes

Cosmetic changes that come from orthodontic work include fixes for gaps and overlaps as well as a general improvement of your smile symmetry. To begin working on these improvements with Invisalign, we will first evaluate you to make sure that you are a good candidate for these appliances. From there, we can gradually move teeth into more desirable positions by providing a set of appliances, with each one taking your smile part of the way to its proper alignment. All of the appliances you receive can be removed without difficulty so that you will not have to worry about interference with your diet or changes in your oral hygiene routine.

What Else Can You Do To Show Off A More Attractive Appearance?

There are times when other cosmetic dental services can be approved for treating issues that cause asymmetry. With porcelain veneers, we are able to cover up gaps, overlaps, and other issues linked to poorly aligned teeth, or those that are the wrong shape or size. We can also explore treatment in the form of dental bonding and contouring, which can take less time and require fewer overall changes to your tooth structure.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Invisalign Treatment

Through Invisalign treatment, we can work to fix problems with teeth spacing that have made you uncomfortable with how you look. If you would like to find out more about how we can support you, reach out to Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440.