How Restorative Dentistry Repairs And Improves Your Smile

virginia beach restorative dental careWhen a tooth begins to hurt, this could be due to injury or even tooth decay. But with restorative dentistry, we can repair damage and address common oral health concerns, so your smile remains healthy and whole. In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist can offer lifelike restorations!

Your Initial Restorative Visit

Our approach to restorative dentistry is personalized, so we place restorations that are custom-made and fitted for your smile. This not only ensures the result looks natural, but that your new crowns or fillings can absorb daily bite forces and pressure with ease, so you can enjoy a smile that looks great and functions properly as well! Treating restorative concerns also protects the smile from serious complications, such as infection or even tooth loss, so you maintain a full smile. People of all ages benefit from restorative dentistry, from kids to adults, so if you have an aching tooth or if you haven’t seen the dentist in awhile, consider scheduling your next checkup and cleaning appointment soon. We can find out what treatments you may need.

Dental Fillings

A dental filling treats tooth decay to prevent worsening pain and the risk of an infection or abscessed tooth developing. Placement only takes one visit, and instead of metal, we use a composite resin material, which we can shade to blend with your smile. This biocompatible material also bonds with the tooth and can last for years to come. They’re safe for all ages too! Replacement involves our team numbing the tooth and then removing the decay from it. We clean the exterior of the tooth and apply the composite resin in several layers. We then shape the tooth as the composite resin cures beneath a special light. The last step is to polish the tooth for a brighter appearance. In one visit, we treat your cavities with restorative dentistry.

Crowns and Dental Bridges

Our team can also tackle more severe cases of decay, or address teeth that have been cracked or chipped. A dental crown is a restoration that covers the tooth, and can reshape one to correct issues with bite balance and chewing function too. Each one is custom-made from materials like porcelain, which can handle daily bite forces and be shad dot latch your smile too. If you have missing teeth, we can create a bridge that is secured with crowns and addresses between one and three missing teeth in a row. The results will be lifelike and durable, handling your bite forces and restoring function to your smile again too.

Root Canal Therapy

When a tooth is infected, then treatment is crucial for avoiding the loss of your tooth. With root canal therapy, our team can remove infected tissues and add a restorative filling to the tooth. We then cap it with a custom crown, so your tooth looks and functions as it should. This halts the discomfort too.

Tooth Extraction

Sometimes, a tooth is too damaged, decayed, or infected to be saved with a restoration. With cases like wisdom teeth, we may need to remove them to prevent major complications. Removing a tooth could be necessary to preserve bite balance or aid in orthodontic treatment, or to clear the way for a prosthetic. Our team can conduct a gentle and safe extraction, using local anesthesia and even sedation to ensure you’re safe and comfortable throughout the whole process. Our team will also offer aftercare instruction to help your smile heal without complications!


If you have major tooth loss, we could provide removable or implant secured sets of dentures. A partial denture addresses situations in which there are several gaps in the smile, and a full prosthetic replaces every tooth on one or both arches. Each is custom-made and uses lifelike and durable porcelain teeth and an acrylic base that looks like gum tissues. You can enjoy tooth replacement that looks and functions like natural teeth!

Dental Implants

Dental implants can replace individual missing teeth or secure a prosthetic like a bridge or denture. Dental implants actually prevent the loss of jawbone mass and density that usually follows tooth loss, so unlike traditional bridges or removable dentures, these can last for decades to come. If you have any questions about restorative dentistry, or if you would like to schedule a visit and see our team, then contact our team today.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Restorative Dentistry

Our team provides lifelike and durable dental restorations. To find out more about restorative dentistry, then contact Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440.