You Should Have Your Teeth Cleaned Soon

virginia beach dental cleaningsWhen you undergo a dental cleaning, you have the harmful layers of plaque and tartar completely removed from your teeth. This helps fight cavities and gum disease, and even bad breath and teeth stains! In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist talks about why you should have your teeth cleaned soon.

Why We Need Cleanings

We urge people to have one at least once every six months. During your checkup visit, we will examine your smile to identify any areas of concern, so we can offer treatment to protect your smile and prevent complications that could impact your smile’s health, appearance, and stability. In the same visit, we will use an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual pick to gently and thoroughly remove all plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth. After we do, we will polish the teeth thoroughly. We polish them to not only help them stay bright, but to make it difficult for plaque and tartar to adhere to the teeth.

Facts About Plaque Buildup

Plaque coats the teeth when harmful oral bacteria consume the particles of sugar and starch left by the foods and drinks we consume. This process elevated oral acidity, and the layers will harden into tartar with time. Brushing and flossing can limit how much accumulates, but it cannot remove the layers completely. You need to remove this buildup cause plaque can cause tooth decay by weakening and eroding outer enamel. The same layers also increase the risk of gingivitis and even gum disease by irritating and inflaming the gingival tissues. As we mentioned in the opening, plaque and tartar also leads to halitosis and even stained teeth.

Perio Cleaning

What if you have sore, red, and bleeding gums? At this point, you’re likely suffering from gingivitis, or maybe even the early stages of gum disease. To make the issue manageable and protect your smile from the later stages linked tooth loss, you need a perio cleaning. This involves using the same tools we mentioned above to remove buildup from both the teeth and the rotos, including deposits beneath the gum line. This is more involved and could take one visit or up to four. We take care to ensure you’re comfortable. Following the perio procedure, we can use traditional ones to remove buildup every three to four months to protect your smile. You then enjoy better gum health and avoid the risks of periodontitis and adult tooth loss!

Prevention at Home

You can also take time to protect your smile from home! Enjoying good periodontal health begins with daily oral hygiene habits. You should brush your teeth for at least two minutes when you wake up and then again before going to bed, and each session should take about two minutes. You also need to floss every evening before you brush that second time. These actions remove particles of sugar and starch to limit the severity of plaque and tartar before your next visit. You also help your smile by cutting back on the amount of sugar and starch you consume in a day, and instead drinking more water and eating healthier options high in vitamin C and D. Try to avoid tobacco products as well, such as smoking cigarettes, to protect your periodontal health as well.

See Us Every Six Months

You should also make an appointment to see us every six months, as we’ve mentioned above. Even if you have good gum health and no toothaches, we can then identify the issue in the early stages of trouble, before you develop noticeable symptoms, so we can offer preventive care to protect your smile from serious trouble. But you should also be aware of common symptoms, such as changes to your gums, and see us right away. Together, we can help you maintain a strong and healthy smile, one that can stay whole for years to come!

If you have any questions about our preventive treatments, then contact our team today to learn more. Now is a great time to schedule an appointment for you and your children, so you can start your summer with a brighter and healthy smile, and start the upcoming school year with improved oral health.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA, Dentist About Preventive Appointments

Our team is eager to help you protect the health and beauty of your smile with routine preventive care. Call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule a visit soon! With regular visits for checkups and dental cleanings, we can help you avoid common oral health concerns and enjoy your best smile!