Why Patients Ask About Invisalign

How can you deal with poor teeth spacing without making a commitment to wear metal braces for an extended period of time? Many people who want to do something about malocclusion will find that they have an alternative form of care available to them. With a set of Invisalign aligners, teeth that are poorly positioned can be moved to create more uniform spacing. This work is made discreet thanks to the clear design of these appliances, and you can have an easier time maintaining your daily routine because they are easy to remove. This is not the only cosmetic service that our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can offer—with the right procedure, we can see to it that you have stunning improvements and a lasting reason to feel more confidence in your smile!

Is Invisalign Treatment Something You Should Consider?

If you have problems with your appearance because your teeth are not aligned properly, you can feel embarrassment over noticeable gaps and overlaps that disrupt your smile quality. By talking to your dentist about this problem, and what solutions are available to you, it becomes easier for you to learn about treatment options that will not require fixed metal braces. With Invisalign aligners, we can make corrections to poorly aligned teeth that produce welcome changes but have less impact on your appearance and daily routine.

What Clear Aligners Do For Patients Who Are Uncomfortable With Metal Braces

Through the use of clear aligners, we can take care of frustrating problems that can be traced back to malocclusion. That means you no longer have to feel self-conscious because your smile is asymmetrical, due to the presence of a gap in your smile, or because you have teeth that overlap. A set of appliances will be made for your treatment. Each one is designed in order to make specific adjustments that gradually move teeth into their appropriate positions. Because they are all removable as well as difficult to see, you can have little to worry about when it comes to how your appliances will affect your daily life!

Exploring Your Other Options For Cosmetic Treatment

There are other options for cosmetic care that we can review with you. It may be a surprise to learn that these services can actually replace the need for orthodontic work for some patients! With porcelain veneers, for example, we can provide the kinds of changes that make teeth appear symmetrical, and we can hide gaps and overlaps. We can also look into making targeted corrections by performing dental bonding and contouring treatment.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Invisalign

If you would like to learn more about how Invisalign can help you, reach out to Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440.