Don’t Ignore The Symptoms Of TMJ Disorder

virginia beach tmj treatmentIf you begin to notice regular jaw pain, or possibly chronic headaches, this could be due to strain on your jaw joints. TMJ disorder, often referred to as TMD, could lead to discomfort and even alter how you open and close your mouth. But your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist can offer relief from TMJ symptoms with a custom oral appliance.

The Causes of TMD Dysfunction

How do we develop an oral health concern like TMD? The issue often arises when the jaw joints become strained. This strain could be the result of untreated bruxism (teeth grinding), high stress levels, injury to the face or jaw, tooth loss, misalignment, or even issues with the growth and development of your smile. The causes may vary, but the result is a disorder that causes wide spread discomfort and impacts how you open and close your mouth, leaving your smile vulnerable to serious concerns.

The Warning Signs to Watch For

How do you know if you need to seek treatment? Common warning signs of TMD include jaw pain, headaches and migraines, facial aches, neck and shoulder pains, and even a clicking or popping sensation in the jaw. When you experience these warning signs, be sure to let us know right away. Our team will carefully examine your smile with detailed digital imagery so we can identify the factors behind your discomfort, and identify any wear and friction on the surfaces of your teeth. Our team will then create a treatment plan personalized for your smile to bring relief.

Treatment with an Oral Appliance

To treat TMJ disorder, we may address underlying factors like correcting misalignment with braces or aligners, replacing missing teeth with bridges or dental implants, or even improving overall bite balance with dental crowns and dental bonding. For many, we can bring relief with a comfortable and noninvasive oral appliance. Created based on detailed digital images we take of your smile, the device will be worn as you sleep and it fits like a simple mouthguard. However, once in place this repositions the jaw to ease strain and prevent painful symptoms. If you happen to grind your teeth, then our team could use them to put a barrier between the lower and upper sets of teeth, so you avoid further damage to your smile.

If you have any questions about how our team diagnoses and treats TMJ disorder with oral appliance therapy, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA, Dentist About Stopping TMJ Pain

We want to treat the source of your discomfort and offer relief for your smile. Call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule a visit soon!