3 Times You Need A New Toothbrush

You might have a lot of knowledge about dental hygiene. For instance, you know how frequently you should brush and floss. You know all about the right way to brush. You know that hygiene is very important for keeping your smile safe and clean. However, you may not always recognize the fact that you need a new toothbrush, which can end up hindering you from doing an excellent job cleaning your smile! Let’s cover a few major moments when it’s time to high-tail it to the drugstore for a replacement!


The Importance Of Practicing Good Oral Care In The Mornings

What kind of habits do you have in the morning? Different people have different preferences on breakfast, and on how long they like to give themselves to prepare for the day ahead. Whether you like to rise with the sun, or you prefer to make use of your snooze button, you should take the time to care for your smile. Effectively cleaning your teeth in the morning can rid you of accumulated oral bacteria, and help you start your day feeling fresh. While this is certainly crucial to your preventive dental care, it is not the only action you can take that might impact your oral health. (more…)

If You’re Not Flossing…

Perhaps you used to floss. Maybe you never flossed at all! Whatever the case, if you’re not flossing your smile, then there are some very likely results that may occur, none of which are in your oral health’s favor! If you’ve been thinking that using your dental floss is more of an extra bonus or something that’s purely for esthetic purposes, think again as you consider possible outcomes and what you should do.


Jaw Concerns And How To Protect Yourself

There are some common concerns that can affect your jaw health and for which there happen to be some immediate solutions to consider! While this may be an area of your oral health you haven’t spent much time worrying about, it’s certainly important to remember that once an issue with your jaw becomes a reality, it’s very important to offer treatment and protection. Keep in mind, your jawbone supports your teeth, your jaw joints provides movement, and together, they give you the ability to talk, eat, laugh, sing … you get the idea! So, how might we be able to help?


Remember 3 Things: When You Know You Need Restorative Care

When you have that feeling that you probably need restorative care because your smile doesn’t feel like it usually does, you may not want to actually make any movement. You’d rather stay home, pull the comforter over your head, and pretend that your toothache, funny sensation, etc., was all some unpleasant dream. You know, however, that you’ve got a change with your oral health that most certainly needs to be looked at and that might need a repair, too. We’d like you to consider the following: If you keep a few simple things in mind, you may find that setting up your visit feels much easier!


Mozart Celebration

If you love Mozart and the idea of hearing his music performed by a globally celebrated pianist and the Virginia Symphony Orchestra, well then … you may want to attend the upcoming Mozart Celebration for a truly exquisite listening experience.


Tori: Something You May Not Know About (But May Have)

There’s a topic you may not know very much about. However, it’s also something that may ring true for you and explain questions you’ve had for a while: We’d like to talk with you about tori! In short, they’re bony growths that may show up in adulthood. If we have just piqued your interest, then do prepare for a quick yet thorough introduction to what to make of these often confusing yet not-at-all harmful developments.


Why Invisalign® Is So Popular

When older teens and adults develop crooked teeth, straightening them is vital to ensuring the health and integrity of their teeth, not to mention the function of their bites and appearance of their smiles. However, many older patients hesitate to correct crooked teeth because they fear how wearing metal braces may affect their lives. Today, we examine how Invisalign® clear aligners alleviate those fears, and why the clear aligners remain popular as a more discreet alternative to braces. (more…)

Signs You Need A Visit ASAP

Of course, you know that no matter what, you should make the time for a dental checkup every time six months have passed since your last visit. Whether you notice symptoms of a possible problem or if your smile seems in perfect health, these checkups are always essential. However, what about between those visits if some sort of a sign crops up? What types of changes might occur? While any change that seems out of the ordinary is always a good reason to see us, we are happy to offer a list of common red flags, letting you know a trip to our practice is certainly in order.
