Your Smile During Orthodontic Work

If you choose to undergo orthodontic work, you can look forward to your smile’s improvement, as corrective treatments take on problems with gaps and overlaps that look out of place. While you can look forward to the outcome of an adjustment, you may be less thrilled to start treatment because you worry about how aligners will affect the way you look. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can take away this concern by offering an adjustment with a set of Invisalign aligners. Using this as your treatment method means fixing gaps and overlaps while minimizing the impact of orthodontics on daily life. For those who qualify, we can also discuss the potential benefits of cosmetic dentistry for hiding the effects of poor spacing. (more…)

Smile Threats Prevented By Dental Cleanings

Because your teeth stay exposed to food debris and bacteria throughout the day, you should have a consistent routine in place to keep them clean. What you should avoid is assuming that your daily routine is all that you need to rely on to fully protect yourself—it is important that you take advantage of the care offered during regular oral health reviews as well! Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office provides thorough reviews along with dedicated teeth cleanings. Patients whose smiles are free from problems see important benefits from these cleanings, as they fight the onset of tartar formation, something we are not able to do for ourselves at home. There is even a more advanced care option that we can provide to stop ongoing trouble with active gingivitis from impacting your well-being. (more…)

Discreetly Moving Teeth That Overlap

If your goal is to straighten teeth that overlap, will you need to wear metal braces? Traditional orthodontic appliances produce positive outcomes, but they can make patients uneasy because they are both fixed in place and difficult not to notice. What you can do to effectively fix teeth discreetly is use a set of Invisalign appliances to guide your smile into more appropriate alignment. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we provide patients with the option of restoring how they look with Invisalign aligners. These appliances allow you to guide teeth so that crowding, gaps, and other problems with spacing no longer stand between you and your ideal smile. (more…)

Making Improvements To A Discolored Smile

After noticing just how much your smile color has dulled over the years, it can be hard to recover from a dip in your confidence. People who experience problems with their enamel color because of stains can find that treating the issue alone can lead to frustration. This is because the readily available treatment options on the shelves of grocery stores and pharmacies can lack impact. It can also be the case that something other than these external stains needs to be addressed. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can offer an effective approach to cosmetic dentistry, one that offers lasting benefits for someone whose smile has grown dull and unflattering. (more…)

Visit The Snow Globe Spectacular Holidays Display!

Virginia Beach’s Town Center is decked out for the holiday season. If you have yet to visit, then you have yet to experience the winter wonder of the Snow Globe Spectacular Holidays display! There are a number of festively designed and creative snow globes set up for view. They help commemorate the spirit of the city while also connecting to the Virginia Beach community. In addition to these decorative pieces, you can enjoy live music and performances on the weekends and meet with Santa Claus himself!

The holidays are a time for many festivities with friends and family. Many of the gatherings you attend will boast no shortage of tasty treats, which can be exciting in the moment but a potential long-term threat for your smile. Too many sweets at this time of year can lead to cavity treatments at the start of the next! Protect yourself by keeping up with good habits at home, acting in moderation during festivities, and keeping up with regular dental exams. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is proud to help support you. In addition to offering ongoing preventive dental care, we can supply restorative dental work when necessary, and we can help you explore your options for cosmetic dental treatment! (more…)

The Effect Of Invisalign On Your Smile

If your smile is not uniform because you have teeth that are out of alignment, it can be hard to feel true confidence in the way you look. Any gaps or overlaps that are visible when you smile and speak can have unwelcome effects on your appearance; general alignment issues can also hurt you by making your smile look asymmetrical. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can provide a solution in the form of Invisalign aligners. These appliances are able to fix problems with gaps, overlaps, and other problems traced back to malocclusion while making orthodontic treatment easier to fit into your life than treatment with traditional metal braces. (more…)

How Lifelike Fillings Treat Dental Decay

How do you recover from the formation of a cavity? If you do not undergo treatment at all, the problem will keep growing more severe. Eventually, the bacteria that attack your tooth can make their way to your pulp and create problems within the structure. When the problem is caught and addressed early, you save more of your healthy enamel and make restorative work easier. With that said, there will still need to be a restoration placed. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can use a lifelike dental filling to protect your tooth and preserve your smile. Fillings are applied directly where damage occurred to keep the space safe from further harm, and they allow your dentist to provide care while minimizing the overall changes to your tooth. (more…)

What Results Can Invisalign Deliver?

The problems with teeth that are poorly spaced can be difficult to live with, but treating them can be easier than you anticipate. Patients who look into care at our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can find that Invisalign aligners are capable of making changes that they would like to see while making the adjustment process easier to fit into their daily life. A set of clear appliances let you discreetly correct your smile. They also let you maintain your normal daily routine, as they are easy to remove whenever you need to clean your teeth or eat. (more…)

Discomfort And Your Dental Health

It is possible for you to overlook trouble with your smile. A cavity that recently formed may not cause you discomfort. While you can have recognizable problems with poor periodontal health, you may not realize how important it is to seek out care. This is part of why you should remain consistent with regular dental exams. While our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is here to help you stay on top of your smile care needs by offering general services, we are also prepared to see you so that we can discuss active dental discomfort. The sooner you let our practice know that something feels wrong, the sooner you can have the issue evaluated and treated. (more…)

Enjoy Holi-Rays At The Virginia Aquarium!

On the weekend of Friday, December 16 and Saturday, December 17, you can find plenty of Christmas cheer and a diverse array of aquatic life at the Virginia Aquarium’s Holi-Rays event! For these two evenings, the aquarium will be open to attendees who want to celebrate the holidays while surrounded by marine life. There will be opportunities to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus, time to see the elves, and even a chance to enjoy a special snorkeling Santa! There will also be a mix of both seasonally minded and conservation-oriented activities.

Just as the oceans benefit from better care, our teeth deserve consistent protection. Without it, we become prone to threats from oral bacteria that can lead to tartar formation, problems with gum disease, and threats from cavities! Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is prepared to help you, as we can provide consistent preventive dental care as well as treatments to take on any problems that arise and threaten your smile. (more…)