If you know anything about bruxism disorder, you know that it’s one of those problems that can affect you for a long time before you have any idea it’s present. Fortunately, your trips to our practice for checkups will usually offer you early detection. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll have figured it out on your own. Or, if you haven’t been to see us for a while, this disorder may be eluding you, while you assume all is well. For now, let’s cover some commonly overlooked signs, so you notice them should they pop up.
Checkups: What Are You Looking For In There?
What do you think we are looking for when we perform a dental checkup on your smile and surrounding structures? Are you under the impression that we’re counting your teeth? That we are seeking out chewing surface cavities and that’s it? Since you know we’re taking X-rays, looking around, etc., it’s understandable that you would love for us to let you in on exactly what we are monitoring as you come in! Let’s go down the list of the key concerns.
Neptune’s Annual Fall Wine Festival
Did you make it to the end-of-summer Neptune’s Beer Festival? Guess what? It just so happens there’s yet another fest but it’s coming just in time as we wave goodbye to the warmth of summer and harken in the cozier days of autumn. It is, of course, Neptune’s Annual Fall Wine Festival!
Quiz: Details Of Your Brushing Sessions
Here comes your dental hygiene session! You put your toothpaste onto your brush’s bristles, you open wide, and you commence with the brushing. What is your method like? Do you spend the same amount of time on each individual tooth? Are you brushing everything? Do you use little strokes or very long, horizontal strokes? Believe it or not, all of these details are relevant if not extremely significant. Don’t worry. If you’re not sure you’re doing things correctly, our quiz will reveal the answers you need.
Mouthguards Quiz: Do You Wear One?
Do you wear a mouthguard? Is this something that you always assumed was really more for professional athletes? The truth is, for anyone who is in any way in danger of sports equipment hitting them in the mouth, a teammate accidentally running into them, or even of falling during an activity, a guard is a good idea! Not sure you’ve ever really considered this detail? Start with our quiz and then let us know if you think your oral health could use one.
Quiz: Are You On Track With Flossing?
Flossing is one of those things that patients end up having a lot of questions about, many reservations about, and even a lot of strong opinions about! What are your questions about this part of your dental hygiene and how good of a job do you think you’re doing? Would you say that you’re on track? We always ask that you come to us with uncertainties or questions about technique. For the stuff that can easily throw you off track, we’ve crafted a quiz that will keep you headed in the right direction.
How A Tiny Cavity Can Lead To Tooth Loss
When you learn that you have a small cavity in your tooth, you might breathe a sigh of relief. You might also think that you can keep doing what you’ve been doing, that you’ve just bought yourself a ton of time, and that even if it takes you a bit longer to get into the swing of things with consistent dental habits, all is well. The truth, however, is that the little evidence of tooth decay present in your smile is no laughing matter. What needs a simple filling right now could suddenly result in tooth loss. “How is this possible?” you ask. Consider the facts!
The Virginia Beach Pet Expo: It’s Back!
What’s not to love about the Virginia Beach Pet Expo? If you went last year, you just might be itching to go again for 2017! Whether you’ve got your sidekick in tow and are ready for all the fun or if you’re hoping to find a new furry friend to call your own, this is sure to be a fun time!
Back Teeth: A Few Helpful Details
What’s going on with the back of your smile? Are your back teeth getting as clean as your front, easy to reach teeth? If you’re shrugging your shoulders and are simply hoping that all is well, it might be time to schedule a checkup. Dental hygiene that reaches all of your teeth is essential in promoting a smile free of decay, gingivitis, etc. Remember that even when you think you know all there is to know about brushing, flossing, and more, we just might surprise you with new, simple, and extremely helpful information.
3 Surprising Places You Can Get Cavities
You might have some very particular ideas about where cavities develop. For instance, we occasionally find that some of our patients assume tooth decay can only affect the chewing surface of molars. If you just found yourself scratching your head and thinking to yourself, “Well, isn’t that true?” then it just might be time for a little smile-health-related wakeup call! Become familiar with some less obvious places your teeth may end up with a cavity or two, so you realize just how important it really is to practice thorough dental hygiene.