Plaque: 3 Places It’s Hiding

Where is plaque hiding? Do you know? What you probably know for certain at this point is that plaque coats your smile. It does this every day, which is why you need to brush and floss every day to remove this bacteria-rich film that can lead to all manner of frustrating oral health problems for your smile (like decay and gum inflammation). The good news here is that it’s not too difficult to complete a very thorough smile cleansing! The bad news is that if you’re unaware of some of plaque’s hiding places, you may accidentally overlook them. Don’t worry, we can help you out!


Dental Checkups: A Quick, Beneficial Quiz

Did you know that you can help keep your smile in tip-top shape by coming in for your dental checkups according to our suggestions? While this might seem simple and obvious, we know that the significance of checkups is often lost on patients because checkups frequently seem like a formality. To get the facts straight, we encourage you to start gathering up details with our quiz.


Boardwalk Art Show

Are you an arts enthusiast? Is one of your favorite things about living by the beach the chance to attend exceptional festivals that include unique handmade art? If so, this upcoming event is sure to be the best of the best. Place the Boardwalk Art Show on your list of things to do for a truly mesmerizing experience.


FAQs: Does Orthodontic Care Last?

The idea of receiving orthodontic care might not sound too bad to you. Then, when you learn about the results of Invisalign treatment, you may even realize that it sounds good to you. However, that final factor that might be causing you some uncertainty may include the following: You wonder what will happen once treatment is complete. Will your teeth actually remain aligned forever? Or, will they eventually become misaligned again? Let us help you out with this concern with our FAQs.


Allergies And Your Oral Health

When you’re holding a tissue over your nose, your eyes feel puffy, and you’re wondering if there’s anything else you can do for your allergies, you’re probably not spending much time thinking about your teeth and gums. However, we like to remind patients that when allergies strike they can wreak havoc on your oral health. Not sure what might happen to your smile as a result of this respiratory interruption but you have a feeling you should probably get them under control? You’re certainly on the right track!


A Cracked Tooth Is A Big Deal

The very last thing you might feel like doing when you discover you have a cracked tooth is schedule a visit with us. You know that you should probably treat the issue but you also know that it’s going to require restorative care, associated cost and time, and maybe that doesn’t sound very exciting. While we completely understand how you feel, we also urge you to consider the fact that procrastinating on this particular issue can lead to some serious consequences. You’ll wish you’d simply come in for a visit in the first place. Allow us to explain why.


How To Get Ready: Cosmetic Dentistry

Sometimes in life, you know you want to do something but you’re not too sure about the steps it’s going to take to get there. When the object of your desire is cosmetic dentistry, it’s not surprising that you may feel unsure about how to get ready, to get going, to hit the gas, to hit the ground running, or to get the ball rolling … so to speak. Fortunately, we can help you out with everything from the very beginning to crossing the finish line. So, let’s get started.


Flying Proms Event

Have you ever heard of the Flying Proms? Chances are good this is something you know about only if you’re a bit of an Anglophile (this flying event originates in the United Kingdom, after all). Great news: Here in the U.S., whether it’s new to you or not, you have the chance to enjoy this time-honored tradition of taking in the beauty of vintage aircraft as they grace the skies. Put it on your calendar! It’s sure to please.


Ways To Drink More Water

Of course, you may be thinking to yourself, “Well, if I want to drink more water, don’t I just need to … drink more of it?” Well, what we’re focused on here is helping patients who want to increase the amount of H20 that they drink every day but seem to be missing the tools or motivation to do so. Remember, when you drink more, you protect your well being and your oral health. Now, about those suggestions that just might give you the extra push you need, get ready to learn more!


Quiz: Making Dental Hygiene Product Selections

When you’re making choices for your smile, you want to feel like you’re doing an outstanding job. If you were to discover that you were choosing dental hygiene products that were just okay (but that you could have chosen something much more effective), it would certainly be a disappointing moment! However, how to know what’s what in this particular area of dental care? Good news: The details are easy! We can get them all squared away for you with a fun quiz.
