Smile Improvements With Invisalign

You may be surprised at just how beneficial corrective work to straighten poorly spaced teeth can be. Beyond taking on cosmetic issues, this work can help you by improving your bite function and even making your dental hygiene routine more effective. With that said, it is hard to ignore just how much impact the appropriate orthodontic work can have on how you look. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can offer meaningful results through treatment with a set of Invisalign aligners. These aligners make orthodontic work an easier fit into your daily life, as they are hard to see and easy for you to remove whenever they might be in your way. (more…)

3 Ways To Improve Oral Hygiene

What can you gain from a better commitment to oral hygiene? Reducing your risk for cavities and gum disease can have lasting benefits. One reason for this is that you will not have to worry about problems that threaten your smile. Another reason is that you will be free from issues that can cause complications that affect your health and cause discomfort. Daily habits are certainly important to your hygiene efforts, but this is not all that you should focus on when it comes to managing your smile. You should also take advantage of regular dental checkups and cleanings. Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can help you make sure you are protected against different threats, and we can offer timely support whenever a problem is identified. (more…)

A Discreet Fix For Overlapping Teeth

If you have teeth that are too close together, the issues with crowding and overlapping can make you self-conscious. What can you do to address this problem and fix your smile? While the option to use metal braces can offer meaningful benefits, it can also be less than appealing due to the conspicuous appearance of these appliances and the way in which they are fixed in place. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can offer a more discreet solution, one that can be easier to fit into your daily life. With a set of Invisalign aligners, we can help you fix problems with spacing that have made you self-conscious. (more…)

Your Filling And Your Bite Function

The formation of a cavity is not something to take lightly, and treatment is not something to postpone. By putting off restorative dental work, you leave yourself vulnerable to worsening damage to your enamel, something that can eventually lead to oral health complications. The good news is that prompt care for dental decay will limit harm to your tooth structure and make treatment easier. A dental filling that matches your tooth can be applied to the area where your cavity had to be cared for. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we are able to provide treatments with fillings that are lifelike and still secure enough to preserve your natural bite function. (more…)

Enjoy The Neptune Festival Art And Craft Show!

When this year’s Neptune Festival begins, you can look forward to a number of fun activities and programs planned for Virginia Beach. One of those events, the Neptune Festival Art And Craft Show, will bring together talented artists whose works will be available for public view! There will be pieces available to buy as well as a selection of works that are part of a juried show.

The right piece of art can be a lovely addition to a room. With a bright, healthy smile, you can light up any room you enter! Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can help you maintain your teeth with regular dental exams and cleanings. We also provide options for patients who want to look into cosmetic dental services or require restorative treatments. (more…)

Straighten Crooked Teeth With Invisalign

If your teeth are crooked, you can have embarrassing gaps and overlaps in your smile, and you can have trouble with a generally asymmetrical appearance. Do you have to depend on metal braces to fix this problem, or is there an alternative to explore? At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can offer successful care with a set of Invisalign aligners. Through the use of your aligners, you can guide teeth into their appropriate positions without having to wear a fixed appliance. Their clear design makes them hard to see, so wearing them is not going to affect your appearance. With this and other treatment options, we can help you show off your best and most confident smile! (more…)

Oral Health Updates Offered At Dental Exams

How often are you updated about the state of your smile? It would be a mistake to assume that you have no need for updates just because your teeth “feel fine.” After all, you can have a cavity develop and grow before you feel discomfort from the damage to your enamel. You can also miss the warning signs of gum disease, which can give your infection time to worsen and negatively impact your health and appearance. Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is prepared to take care of patients on a consistent basis. The dental exams that we provide supply you with regular feedback about the condition of your smile, and can lead to timely intervention for a recent problem, ensuring that it will not worsen and further affect your smile. (more…)

Invisalign And Daily Smile Care

Will you be able to keep your teeth healthy when you are undergoing orthodontic treatment? Because you have the option to address gaps and overlaps with removable appliances, you can actually keep up with the same brushing and flossing practices that you observed before your procedure began! Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can help you understand what to expect when you want to begin work with Invisalign aligners. Of course, taking this approach provides you with more than just a convenient strategy for straightening an uneven smile. You can also appreciate how difficult it is for others to notice that you are adjusting your teeth, as your appliances will all be made with a clear plastic material. (more…)

Finding Out What Veneers Can Do For You

If you have a less than confident feeling about your smile, it can be difficult to project the kind of confidence and comfort that leaves a good first impression. You can also struggle to feel at ease when posing for pictures, and may even find yourself trying to adjust how you speak and laugh so that people are less likely to observe your teeth. Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is prepared to help you if you have negative feelings about the way you look when you smile. Through the placement of custom-made porcelain veneers, we are able to fix many different cosmetic concerns in a short time, and we can do so while providing lasting benefits! (more…)

Check Out The Apple Extravaganza On Sept 17!

The Virginia Beach Farmers Market provides regular access to healthy, locally sourced grocery items and a number of other enticing goods. On Saturday, September 17, the market will host its special Apple Extravaganza event! More than just an opportunity to stock up on this popular fruit, you can enjoy a craft show, live music, and activities for kids! There will also be a booth set up by the Butterfly Society Of Virginia to sell plants that can bring more butterflies to your garden.

An apple away is supposed to keep the doctor away. If you want to protect your smile, make sure you are not staying away from the dentist’s office, as your regular oral health exams and cleanings provide important protection against cavities and gum disease. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can offer important preventive services to your family. We can also help when patients come to us with concerns about their appearance or oral health, as we provide restorative and cosmetic services. (more…)