Gum Contouring Explained: FAQs Answered

questionGum contouring, also known as gum reshaping or tissue sculpting, is a cosmetic dental procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the gums and create a more harmonious smile. This treatment involves removing or reshaping excess gum tissue to improve the balance between the gums and teeth. It is often done for aesthetic reasons, addressing concerns such as a “gummy smile,” where too much gum tissue is visible, or uneven gum lines. Into today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist answers frequently asked questions about gum contouring.


Repairing Your Smile With Restorative Dentistry

virginia beach restorative dentistryWhen you have a damaged or misshapen tooth in need of restoration, or an aching tooth due to cavities or infection, then you need restorative dentistry. These treatments can offer improvement and lifelike results, preserving your smile for years to come. In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist talks about our approach to restorative dentistry.


Is it Time to Schedule Your End-of-the-Year Dental Visit?

virginia beach dentist benefitsAs the end of the year approaches, our schedules fill up with holiday festivities, travel plans, and the the rest of everyday life. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of the season and forget about essential tasks, like scheduling your end-of-the-year dental exam. In this blog, your Virginia Beach, VA dentist will explore the reasons why making time for this appointment is important for your oral health and overall well-being. (more…)