3 Cosmetic Concerns That Veneers Can Expertly Address

Cosmetic dental work from your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can be done to address many different concerns. This is a welcome relief to patients, as people can arrive with varying needs. One procedure that is particularly helpful is the placement of custom porcelain veneers over problem teeth. By having veneers placed over your teeth, you can cover up several problems. In fact, this one treatment can provide what feels like an entire smile makeover for some patients! Because these thin, durable shells closely match the look and texture of your enamel, they can make these changes while still allowing your smile to look natural. (more…)

Sunrise Yoga September 2018

Is there something about the thought of practicing yoga as you see the first ray of light, while the sun rises over the water that sounds magical? If so, why not try it out in the company of other yogis, as you enjoy guided yoga practice? The upcoming Sunrise Yoga is sure to please.


Sensitivity Toothpaste: 3 Essential Details To Consider

Have you ever used sensitivity toothpaste? Is it something you’ve thought about from time to time but you worry that, like so many other products and promises, that this might be something that offers treatment that doesn’t really work? Good news: It’s something you really can purchase for your sensitive smile that can offer serious relief. Of course, as you may have guessed, this is only true if you’re purchasing a good product and are using it correctly! So, let our Virginia Beach, VA team help save you from disappointment, as we guide you with details that will help you say goodbye to your feelings of sensitivity.


Dental Crowns Questions: Helping You Feel Confident!

Not feeling so hot about the visit you’re supposed to schedule for a dental crown? Are you all about doing what needs to be done to make sure your smile is nice and healthy but there’s something about having to receive a crown that puts you a bit on edge? As you’ve probably already noticed on your own, you have questions that are bugging you and, as a result, that’s the reason you don’t feel ready and confident just yet about this crown. Let our team help. At our Virginia Beach, VA practice, we know that sometimes, all you need is some additional information!


Smile Care: 2 Things To Remember When Dealing With Kiddos

How are those dental hygiene sessions going with your kids? If you’re cringing at the moment because they’re not going well but you really don’t know what suddenly changed, you may be in need of a bit of assistance from our Virginia Beach, VA team. Remember, when you’re debating about brushing or flossing with a child or you’re trying to pinpoint what changed, you’re not talking to an adult. Your child may have only a handful of years of experience on this planet! So, to help you along with some extra-helpful tips that might make it easier to figure out what’s happening, we offer up some things you will really want to remember during hygiene sessions in case there seems to be a snag.


Don’t Cry Over Cavities: What To Do Instead

We know that when you have a cavity, especially if it’s one that feels very uncomfortable, you may initially give in to feeling miserable. While this can most certainly evoke the shedding of a few tears, our Virginia Beach, VA team would really prefer for you to dry those tears and take a much more positive approach to handling your tooth decay. We can help you feel better right now, feel better about the entire experience, and even feel physically better for good! Learn more with us.


Apple Extravaganza 2018

If you love apples, you enjoy having a fun time, and you are also quite happy to spend your time strolling through the farmers market, well … we are fairly certain you’re going to really want to be in attendance at the upcoming Apple Extravaganza 2018! It’s going to offer something to make you smile (and it will make your kids, spouse, friends, and relatives smile, too!).


Scheduling Your Cleaning And Checkup: Problems And Solutions

When you’re thinking about scheduling your dental cleaning and checkup with us, you may have a nice feeling on the inside about the fact that you’re planning on caring for your oral health. That is, until a problem arises that threatens to get in the way of your following through with this simple and beneficial intention. So, what to do? Never fear: Our Virginia Beach, VA team is here to guide you.
