Thanksgiving: Things To Take Care Of First

If you’re thinking to yourself, “I’ll just schedule my next dental visit after Thanksgiving,” then you may want to think again! Yes, it seems like the time between Turkey Day and the remaining winter holidays is quite vast. However, as you will remember if you think back to years passed, the time flies. If there’s something you need for your smile, the time to do is is immediately! Don’t wait another second. Pick up the phone, schedule your appointment, and we’ll get you all fixed up. Not sure what you might need? Allow us to refresh your memory.


Ice: Not Actually A Good Snack

You might like the sensation of eating ice. Maybe you like to eat one cube at a time. Maybe you crunch on crushed ice. However you choose to consume your frozen water, we know that you may love its lack of calories and the fact that it’s hydrating. Unfortunately, we are here to inform you that you might want to stick with drinking your water instead because ice can mean bad results for your oral health. Consider the details.


How Veneers Replace What You Thought You Needed

Sometimes, you think you’ve hit the nail on the head with your guess for the best cosmetic treatment for your smile. However, you may discover that what you’ve found may certainly work but there may be an alternative you’ll like even more just around the bend. Porcelain veneers do the work of many treatments, for instance! So, before you think you’ve got it all solved and sorted, you may wish to find out more about this service. Especially if you’d like to address more than one problem, veneers may be just what you were hoping to discover.


Smile Tips: Things To Bring Trick Or Treating!

Do you know what you should bring trick-or-treating for a Halloween during which everyone continues smiling throughout the night? Yep, you should definitely bring your kids and bags or baskets for candy. Can’t think of anything else that might be worthwhile? Well, good news! We have some suggestions that you may appreciate and that your oral health will like, too!


Full Dentures: 2 Reasons To Consider Them ASAP

Are you kicking around the idea of doing something to restore your smile, now that you’ve dealt with tooth loss and are missing teeth? If this describes your current situation, then it may be to your benefit to think about full dentures to replace teeth. The good news is that even if you have ideas about what dentures are, they’re probably much more beautiful, natural-looking, and lightweight than you’ve been imagining. Now, those are some very good reasons to add them to your list of possibilities. Want some more? We’ve got them!


Sleep Apnea, Snoring and Oral Health

Keeping your teeth clean and cavity free is one function of dental visits, but preventive visits provide more than that. When you visit your dentist for checkups and cleanings, your overall oral health is assessed at each visit. That means things like checking for signs of oral cancer, jaw disorders, misaligned teeth, and damage from teeth grinding. Your dentist may also ask about sleep habits and snoring, to discern if you would benefit from an oral device to help address obstructive sleep apnea. (more…)

FAQs: Meals Before Dental Care?

Perhaps a friend recently mentioned to you that it’s best to eat a meal before heading in for dental care. You might have shrugged this off or considered it a preposterous suggestion. However, you may have also spent some time wondering if it’s true. Should you actually consume food before your appointment? Actually: You should! Now, if you have some questions that follow this realization, we’ll be happy to answer them. Let’s start at the beginning with some FAQs.
