Christmas Travel: Hazards To Remember

Wondering why we have a lot to say to you regarding your smile this holiday season? Well, it’s because your world gets completely shaken up in most cases. You’re not in your usual routine. To you, that doesn’t mean much except for some time to rest, hang out with the people you love, and have a nice time. To us, however, the change in your routine means that your oral health may be exposed to hazards that are not usually there. Not to worry, they are very easy to avoid if you know what you’re looking for!


2018: How Do You Envision Your Smile?

When you think about ringing in the New Year and then envision yourself throughout 2018, what does your imagined smile look like? If it looks better than the one you’re currently sporting, then it may be time for you to come in to talk with us. We offer preventive care you may be missing, we provide restorative care to fix all manner of problems, we provide cosmetic care, and the list simply goes on and on. Let us know what you need in the form of dental care, so we may be of help.


Surf-N-Santa 5 Miler Expo

What’s more enjoyable than a five mile run along the boardwalk? Well, when it’s holiday time, the only answer is: A whole bunch of people dressed in Santa costumes running down the boardwalk! Yep, it’s time for this year’s Surf-N-Santa 5 Miler Expo!


Fillings: Things People Say Vs. The Truth

In case you haven’t noticed, people tend to have a lot of things to say about nearly everything. As a result, when something like the topic of dentistry and dental fillings comes up, you may find that people come up with a long list of details that seem very confusing. Some people say very good things, while others have a whole lot of negative stuff to spout off. As a result, you might find yourself feeling a bit insecure about treating your decay! Not to worry. We can help you sort out the mystery.


Dry Mouth: All About Treatment

Do you already know what dry mouth is? It’s not something that comes and goes within an hour or so. It’s something that shows up and can hang around for extended periods. As you know, you have saliva in your mouth. It’s there every day and it is consistently flowing into your mouth, helping you eat, swallow, talk, and avoid some serious oral health issue. Didn’t realize having a moist mouth was so important? Let’s talk about why your tissues need to remain hydrated and how to approach treatment.


Find Out If: You Need Gum Contouring

Do you know why your gums look the way they do? Do you think that they look a bit fuller than other people’s (and it has always been that way)? Have you ever felt embarrassed by your smile because it looks like you can see much more of your gum tissue than you would like? Maybe your teeth look short but you cannot figure out why they’re so small. In many instances, we can address these esthetic dilemmas with gum contouring. Let’s review whether it may work for you.


Holiday Stress: 3 Things To Avoid!

The holidays bring a lot of things with them. They tend to come with cooler weather, friends and relatives you haven’t seen in a while, parties, good food, gifts, and even stress! It’s that final detail that can most certainly end up wreaking havoc on your oral health and your dental care. So, how to manage this detail throughout the holidays? We have some helpful ideas!


Why You’re Actually Avoiding Dental Hygiene

Why do you think you avoid your dental hygiene? Is it because it’s annoying, you don’t really see the point, or because you find that it’s just inconvenient? Perhaps you don’t actually think it’s that big of a deal, you know it’s necessary, and you recognize it doesn’t take very much time out of your daily life. So, what gives, you wonder? We happen to have some ideas about the behind-the-scenes emotional factor regarding why you really don’t spend the time you should brushing and flossing. If you can relate, consider our thoughts and let us know if you need some guidance!
