The delicious foods of summer are in full season. That means plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables available from your grocery store and…the public library! Did you know that you can pick up some fresh produce at Virginia Beach libraries along with the newest best seller? These fruits and vegetables are from local farmers, who have their produce for sale at area libraries. Now you can feed your body and your mind in a single trip to one of the participating branches. (more…)
Why Is My Mouth So Dry?
When your mouth is producing a natural amount of saliva, chances are you don’t even notice it. However, when your salivary glands are not working properly, for whatever reason, you may experience the sensation of dry mouth. This condition is not only uncomfortable, but it can lead to the annoying condition of unpleasant breath. Even worse, a lack of saliva can help contribute to dental issues such as cavities, since food particles are not being naturally flushed from the teeth and mouth. A consultation with your dentist can help alleviate a dry mouth situation. (more…)
I Hate My Smile: Now What?

When your smile isn’t making you happy, do you know where to turn for help? Your dentist is an excellent resource, whether your smile needs a small surface boost, or something more extensive. The good news is, you don’t have to know exactly what needs to be done to make things better. Your dentist is an expert in up-to-date cosmetic improvements for what bothers you about your smile. The first step: letting us know what is on your mind. (more…)
Tongue Talk for Kids
Family dentists know a lot about teeth…and tongues! Your tongue is an amazing organ. It is very strong, for its size, and is made up of eight muscles. Tongues can have up to 10,000 taste buds on their surfaces. Together with the action of the lips, teeth and vocal cords, our tongues help us speak clearly. Because your tongue is in your mouth, it can help (or harm) your oral health. If your tongue could talk, it would have a lot to say about making the best environment for good oral health. (more…)
Reminders: When You’re Trying To Get Out Of Brushing
Do you feel a bit like a little kid sometimes when it comes to your brushing? Do you try to wriggle out of the responsibility as though someone just told you to clean your room and you really don’t want to? Don’t worry, most people experience this every now and then. However, as you know, consistent dental hygiene habits are very important! So, let us help you turn that outlook around with simple oral health reminders!
3 Reasons To Learn More About Your Insurance
If you’re like many of our patients, you may have dental insurance but you may not know much about what’s covered. Sure, you may know that you can come in for your six-month visits and what to expect from your benefits regarding prevention. However, do you know much more? What if you get a cavity? Want implants? What if something else comes up? While it might not be the most exciting way to spend your time, we strongly encourage you to take just one session to learn more about the coverage you’ve got.
Stars And Stripes Explosion 2017
Think about all of the things you might want from a beach Fourth of July extravaganza and then multiply it by a million and you might begin to get close to the fun you can expect from this year’s Stars And Stripes Explosion! Remember to keep this in mind as you prepare to celebrate: It’s fun for the entire fam (and really fantastic if you’ve got friends or relatives in town!).
Tartar Quiz: True or False?
You probably hear about tartar and your oral health a lot. You catch the term when you’re listening to commercials. You see it printed on toothpaste boxes. It’s around but you might not really know what to make of tartar. Is it the same thing as plaque? Is it worse? Since it’s actually pretty important that you understand the basics of this topic, we’ve got a quiz all ready for you to take!
Dental Health Quiz: Too Much Of A Good Thing?
Do you ever think to yourself that if you’d do more, try harder, and use more product, you just might be making the most of your oral health options? While it’s always beneficial to remain on-target with goals and the care you need, doing more than is necessary is often what you might worry it is: Too much of a good thing. Let’s cover some ground with a quiz, so you have a better sense of why “just right” is better than going a bit overboard!
Plaque: 3 Places It’s Hiding
Where is plaque hiding? Do you know? What you probably know for certain at this point is that plaque coats your smile. It does this every day, which is why you need to brush and floss every day to remove this bacteria-rich film that can lead to all manner of frustrating oral health problems for your smile (like decay and gum inflammation). The good news here is that it’s not too difficult to complete a very thorough smile cleansing! The bad news is that if you’re unaware of some of plaque’s hiding places, you may accidentally overlook them. Don’t worry, we can help you out!