Exploring Your Different Cosmetic Dental Treatment Options

What can cosmetic dentistry really do to change your appearance? With the right procedure, you can make your smile brighter, hide dental damage, or even address unsightly issues with your gums. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we provide multiple cosmetic procedures, and we can help you select the right treatment to reach your goals for smile improvement. In some cases, we can work out a plan to deliver a smile makeover with multiple procedures. In other cases, we can recommend a single procedure that can address several flaws at one time, giving you a remarkable smile improvement to show off in less time than you might expect! (more…)

You Should Mention Snoring Troubles To Your Dentist

Why is an issue with snoring something to bring up to your Virginia Beach, VA dentist? You might not realize it, but this difficulty with loud, troubled breathing could point to issues with obstructive sleep apnea. If sleep apnea is not addressed, it can lead to a situation where you are not able to rest properly, which can negatively affect your health in several ways. At our Virginia Beach dental practice, we can actually help patients who struggle with snoring and sleep apnea without the use of a CPAP machine. Instead, we can provide you with a custom oral appliance to help you breathe peacefully through the night.  (more…)

Enjoy Restorative Dentistry Without Unwanted Smile Changes

If you have a cavity, treatment will have to be provided to stop decay from doing more and more harm to your tooth structure. While you can be understandably alarmed at the thought of oral health complications, you may worry that any restorative dental procedure performed could change your smile in unwelcome ways. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we use dental fillings and dental crowns that can match the color and texture of your natural teeth. Because of this, we can make sure that when your smile needs are addressed, we preserve your dental health as well as your appearance. (more…)

2020 Coastal Virginia Wine Fest

At Absolute Dental Care, we recognize the importance of doing things that you enjoy, and we don’t want insecurities about your smile to get in the way of your enjoyment. If you are thinking about having a smile makeover, we offer several restorative and cosmetic procedures to help you gain the confident smile that you deserve. Speaking of things you enjoy: if you love wine and have been hoping for something fun to do this weekend, read on!



Is A Dental Crown Really Able To Restore My Broken Tooth?

Our teeth are able to withstand the friction and pressure created while we bite and chew food thanks to the strength of our enamel. Unfortunately, while teeth are naturally durable, many people will still experience at least one dental injury in their life. If your tooth is chipped, cracked, or broken after an accident, your Virginia Beach dentist can help. Through the appropriate restorative dental work, we can keep an injured tooth safe from infection, and also make sure you can once again bite and chew without discomfort. In many cases, a broken tooth can be successfully restored with a dental crown that preserves the appearance of your natural smile! (more…)

Your Virginia Beach Dentist Can Help You Deal With Bruxism

Bruxism can quickly become a problem for your mornings. When you wake up after a night spent unconsciously grinding your teeth, you can feel pain in your face and jaw. Your teeth can also feel sore or sensitive as you start your day. What you should be aware of is that your habit of teeth grinding can lead to progressive damage to your enamel that can affect your smile and oral health! Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist can help you protect your smile against the effects of bruxism. Because this problem is often linked to TMJ disorder, you should know that we are also ready to help you address problems with problems like chronic jaw pain and headaches. (more…)

Show Off An Improved Smile After Invisalign Treatment

As long as you see that aggravating gap, or notice those teeth that seem just out of place, you can have a hard time feeling truly confident in your smile. Poor dental alignment can affect the way many people look. While orthodontic treatment often occurs during childhood, the matter can still affect many adults. Even the people who had work done may notice that their teeth have shifted back into their inappropriate positions. Your Virginia Beach dentist is prepared to help you if you feel unhappy with the way that you currently look. Thanks to Invisalign treatment, we can make your smile adjustment discreet. While the removable clear appliances you receive make treatment feel easier, you can be happy to know that this adjustment is capable of producing meaningful results. (more…)

Your Virginia Beach Dentist Can Restore An Unhealthy Tooth

If you stay current with your regular dental exams, your Virginia Beach dentist can identify when a problem has developed, and provide the appropriate care. In this scenario, it is possible for oral health concerns to be addressed before there are painful symptoms that affect your smile. Unfortunately, people sometimes stay away from the dentist’s office when they feel fine, and only make appointments when they have a tooth that is in pain, or that looks unhealthy. At this point, the restorative dental work you need can be more involved. Fortunately, our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is prepared to offer services that can restore a tooth while preserving the way you look. (more…)

Is There Anything You Can Do To Address Chronic Jaw Pain?

Have your troubles with jaw pain become a frequent, or even daily, concern? Is it hard for you to avoid some discomfort, particularly when you bite, chew, and speak? The chronic discomfort you are experiencing could be TMJ disorder. This is a condition that can have several causes. The problem can be the result of physical injury, repetitive motions that cause stress, or even difficulties with arthritis affecting the joints. When these problems cause a person to experience TMJ disorder, relief can be difficult to enjoy. Fortunately, your Virginia Beach, VA dentist can work with you to alleviate tension, and provide the appropriate care to address causes of stress. (more…)