2 Items To Add To Your Preventive Collection

You already have a little collection going when it comes to your preventive care. You’ve got a toothbrush. You have toothpaste. You have dental floss. You may even have a tongue scraper or a water flosser! What you may not have on hand, however, are a couple items that offer you protection in another way. Rather than helping you remove bacteria and avoid hygiene-related problems, they help protect your smile and your face! Did you happen to know this month, April, is National Facial Protection Month? It’s true! Now, for those items you should add to your life…


Quick Answers: Details About Dental Cleanings

When you have questions about dental cleanings that you receive when you visit our practice, you probably want some quick answers. You’re not looking for long, wandering essays on each detail of your cleaning. Nope, what you’d like is the very important stuff, such as why you need cleanings, if you really do need them, how often you require them, and more. As you may have guessed, we are always more than happy to offer up these facts because when you’ve got this type of knowledge, you’ve got the power to protect your oral health!


Cough Drops, Hard Candies, And Your Smile

What’s that you’ve got in your mouth that is slowly dissolving? Is it a hard candy? A cough drop? This might not be a good plan. True, you’re not eating a whole candy bar, you’re just sucking on one candy! You’re not taking tons of pills to soothe your throat or open up your airways, you’re relying on menthol and eucalyptus! Of course, these are valid points. However, we’d like to make sure you’ve got your oral health in mind, too, in case you’ve overlooking some potential problems.


When You Decide: No More Root Canal Treatments!

Yes, as you know, if you need a root canal treatment, it won’t be the ideal time to proclaim your new life that will no longer contain this service. Instead, it will be time to set up a visit for your root canal, come in, let us save your tooth and your smile health, and then … then it will be time to move forward with plans for a consistently healthy smile! Well, that is, assuming you know what to do to avoid the need for this restorative treatment in the future. Not sure about the best approach? We are!


2 Common Reasons For Guilt You Should Let Go

If you feel wracked with guilt about some aspect of your oral health or the current condition of your smile, you’re most certainly feeling bad about things. However, feeling negatively won’t make things better. As a result, we generally advise our patients to shake off the not-so-lovely feelings, to come in for essential care, and to move forward by deciding to do better in the future. This way, you head home with an improved smile that you can easily keep that way!


Dental Crowns: Those Questions That Make You Feel Unsure

You’re sure that we’re being honest with you when we check your smile and inform you that you need a dental crown. However, there are some areas of uncertainty that make you feel less than sure you’re ready to come in and receive that restoration. We want you to feel completely confident about protecting your current and future oral health with our services, of course, which is why we prefer you let us know what’s causing you to feel uneasy. Start off with Q’s and A’s that may help and let’s move on from there during your visit!


Fillings And Feelings: Important Details

Are you curious about dental fillings and feelings? Is the treatment going to feel okay, you wonder? What will your smile feel like right after the filling? How about down the road? The good, short answer to these questions is that you’ll feel A-OK throughout your experience. Since we know you’d like details, however, let’s work our way through those inquiries!


Why Bother With Restorative Dental Care?

You might wonder why you should bother with restorative dental care. It’s going to take a bit of time, some money, and you start to wonder if you can’t simply avoid it and be “okay” as a result. For a while, you may find that skipping fillings, crowns, and other forms of care may not lead to serious consequences. However, eventually, those consequences will show up! Consider reasons we think you should most definitely see us for smile repairs right away!


Q&A: Invisalign Timeline Time

Yep, try saying “Invisalign timeline time” three times fast! It’s quite a mouthful. The good news is that Invisalign treatment isn’t the mouthful that comes with traditional braces, which is why patients feel so excited to receive them. Instead of the arch wires and the individual brackets on each tooth associated with braces, when you choose Invisalign, it’s all about wearing very slim clear trays over your teeth. You’ll hardly notice them (and the same is true of those looking at your smile). Now, these are benefits you can feel good about. However, you may wonder: But what about the timeline? We can help.
