When You Think You Need Restorative Care But…

Have you been under the impression that you are going to require restorative care from our team? Has this had you feeling a little concerned? Maybe you have procrastinated for a while because you just didn’t want to face the music (even though our Virginia Beach, VA team always reminds you that restorations with our team are gentle, relaxing, and comfortable!). However, did you come on in to see us finally only to discover that what you really need is cosmetic care? How is this possible and what does it mean, you wonder? Let’s walk you through some explanations and thoughts!


Starch: The Frequently Overlooked Cavity Causer

You might hear the term “sugar” and immediately think of cavities. This is for good reason! Sugars are a type of carbohydrate, which is the main source of food that bacteria in plaque consume. Here’s the rundown on what happens when they eat those sugars: They digest them! Just like you digest food when you eat it! Then, they release acids (it’s their way of finishing the digestive process). Unfortunately for your oral health, this can lead to tooth decay. So, now you understand what happens when sugar sits on teeth but what about starches?


3 Things You Don’t Want For Christmas (And What To Do)

There are a few things we are betting you’d rather not get for Christmas. If you think that we’re talking about preferences regarding getting a blue sweater when what you really wanted was a red one, etc., think again: We’re talking about your oral health! Before you forget all about that smile of yours because you’ve gotten so wrapped up in the joy of holiday time, we advise you: Take a stroll with our Virginia Beach, VA team through what’s going on with your smile this time of year, so you can be sure Santa doesn’t leave your teeth and gums with an unexpected “surprise” come Christmas morning!


A Q&A: What’s Going Wrong With My Smile?

Sometimes, little things go wrong with your smile even though you figure you’re doing things correctly. When this happens, it can really feel upsetting because you have good intentions and you think you’re right on target with your efforts but alas … there are still consequences! Fortunately, you don’t have to do a deep search to find the helpful answers you require to set your smile back on a path toward good health. Instead, you usually just need to talk with our dental care team in Virginia Beach, VA to find out what’s going wrong, how to fix it, and then you’ll be able to regain easy smile maintenance!


Holiday Pops 2018

Do you find that the holiday season doesn’t actually feel warm, cozy, and holiday-like until you get a full and lovely serving of some exceptionally performed Christmas music? If the answer to this question is a big “yes,” then you will likely want to grab tickets to our Virginia Beach, VA community’s Holiday Pops event! It’s bringing the sounds of the season to you live and on stage!


3 Things That Can Make Flossing Miserable

If you think that flossing is the worst, then it probably has something to do with the way you’re doing it, something that’s going wrong, etc. On its own, flossing is a quick, comfortable, and effective part of your dental hygiene. It’s quite a neutral thing. It should feel okay and it should not be difficult. So, you ask yourself: What’s the problem? Since our Virginia Beach, VA team happens to have years and years of experience in this field of care, we think we have some very helpful ideas that may illuminate the underlying concern, thereby allowing you to actually like flossing for once! Need help? Just ask for it!


3 Times The Answer Is: Brush Your Teeth!

You might think that there are going to be instances in which we offer you some very magical answers to the questions you have about your oral health. What may surprise you, though the whole of dental care is quite advanced and you may occasionally need something nearly magical from time to time, is that usually, the answer is a simple one. In fact, there will be lots of times when the answer to your question or concern is going to just be: Brush your teeth! Curious about when this might be the solution? Review some instance with our Virginia Beach, VA team!


How To: Gently Improve Your Smile Shape

As you learn about cosmetic dentistry treatments, you may begin wondering if your desire for some gentle improvement to the shape of your smile is something that we can help you with. Certainly, you know that we can help you with dramatic transformations if you are ready to overhaul your grin! However, what if it’s just little details and a slight transition into a more symmetrical or uniform smile you’re after? Can we help you and if so … how, you wonder? Lovely news: Of course our Virginia Beach, VA team is ready to offer you the care you need! Find out more regarding the ways we may approach your wants.


Things That Can Happen Once Bruxism Sensitivity Starts

Unless it is treated nice and early, bruxism disorder will eventually lead to sensitivity. At this point, one of many things can end up happening. The bad news is that it’s never any fun to deal with sensitive teeth, of course. However, our Virginia Beach, VA team reminds you that the good news is that you can save yourself from any additional discomfort, if you choose to come in for care right away. So, which pathway are you going to take? Are you planning on seeing us ASAP or waiting a while? Consider the possible outcomes and you just might feel ready for that essential visit we suggest!


Free Admission Day 2018

When you look forward to Christmas, you’re on autopilot, ready to go, wrapping gifts, prepping food, writing out plans, and you’re still full of energy! While you might not want to admit it just yet, you know that there is often just a bit of a lull in the days that follow the glory of Christmas morning and Christmas dinner! Good news: We can help you with a quick event reminder that is sure to liven your spirits and help you enjoy the mini break that happens until festivities begin again on New Year’s Eve: It’s Free Admission Day at the art museum!
