Gum Contouring: The Major Details You Need

When you take a look in the mirror and you smile, what do you see? Do you wonder why your gums look puffy (or why you can see so much of them), even though you aren’t having any gum health issues? Are you unsure about why your teeth look quite short? Maybe you notice that your teeth all look even but for some reason, your smile doesn’t seem symmetrical. These types of concerns regarding the appearance of your smile are usually related to your gum tissue. Fortunately, gum contouring can make the improvements you hope to see. Learn more.


Ready To Quit Smoking? Avoid These Pitfalls.

When you decide you’re ready to quit smoking, you’ll be pleased to learn that in addition to an abundance of other benefits, you will also be lowering your risk of oral health related diseases. From gingivitis to oral cancer, diseases that become more likely as the result of tobacco are those illnesses that are quite dangerous. Kudos to you for making this wonderful choice for yourself! As for ensuring you put down that cigarette without picking one up again, we have some suggestions for you.


I’m Interested In Implants! Now What?

So, you’ve come to realize that dental implants provide multiple benefits for your smile. However, now that you’re feeling more and more interested in making them your prosthetic of choice to replace missing teeth, you aren’t really sure what to do next. Fortunately, finding out about candidacy and moving forward is fairly simple. Find out how to take the next step toward your soon-to-be-complete smile.


What Makes A Partial A Partial?

You have heard all about dentures and you know that they provide you with a convenient means of replacing missing teeth that you have lost. What you aren’t sure about, perhaps, is what it means when we reference a partial denture. Is this different than a full denture, you might wonder? What type of tooth loss is it for … and is it right for you? We are happy to take the mystery out of this popular and very beneficial option for filling spaces and bringing your smile back to completion.


Coastal Virginia Magazine Wine Fest

How would you sum up your feelings about a glass of wine? Are you happy to indulge in nearly anything that’s available? Is it your go-to when you unwind from a long day? Perhaps you have a bucket list of wineries you plan on visiting within your lifetime. Wherever you fall on the connoisseur spectrum, you will likely want to plan some time for this very exciting upcoming Coastal Virginia Wine Fest!


More Flossing Questions (Answered)

Do you find that you research and research some seemingly simple processes associated with your dental health only to realize you still have questions? How much could one possibly need to know about flossing, you might wonder to yourself? While the experience is pretty straightforward, we will agree with you that there are multiple little details that can leave you scratching your head. Ready to get the final information all sorted out, so you can continue on with best practices for a healthy smile? Let’s go!


Q&A: Help, I Swallowed My Toothpaste!

Were you laughing at a YouTube video while you brushed your teeth and accidentally swallowed your toothpaste? Perhaps it just happened. Whatever the cause, you may have had one of those panic-stricken moments in which you recall your parent telling you never to swallow fluoridated toothpaste. However, you may also find that you have absolutely no recollection regarding whether the possible side effects were the result of old wives’ tales or if there’s really something wrong with such a dental hygiene blunder. No worries! We can help guide you through this moment.


Better Sleep Resolutions for 2017

Have you written down a few (or maybe a long list of) Things to Do Differently in 2017? Although we all have good intentions, the truth is most people find it hard to keep their resolutions after the first few days or weeks. Maybe they made too many, or they weren’t very specific, or they weren’t realistic. We want to make 2017 the year of Sleep Resolution Success for our patients. We think just about everyone can be get better sleep with these three sleep resolution ideas. (more…)

Clash Of The Comics

Are there few things that make you laugh harder than live stand up comedy? If so, you will certainly get your fill of fun at the upcoming Clash of the Comics event happening in our very own town! Head out for a chuckle and a guffaw!
